Contest #186. Power Of Positive Influence

When I saw this topic, my eyes welled up in tears of joy if I remember two people who influenced my life and are still influencing it to date. I give thanks to God for making our paths cross

I have always struggled with self-doubt and lack of confidence. I always felt like I wasn't good enough and that my dreams were too big until I met my mentor Mr promise and my now close friend David

I was in a high institution then and was on 1 year I t service. I was working as a waitress to support my family and my education. I was struggling to balance school and work, and my grades were suffering. Feeling overwhelmed and defeated, I was considering dropping out of school to focus on my job as things were not moving in my favor..

One day, a regular customer, Mr. Promise, an environmentalist, and scientist, struck up a conversation with me. Mr. Promise noticed my potential and asked me about my plans for the future. I confided in him, I wasn't expecting much but just the regular don't give up statement. Well, I told him about my struggles and my intention to drop out of school and focus on making money.

He shared his own story of overcoming obstacles and encouraged me to pursue my education. He explained how crucial education was for making a positive impact on the world. I was inspired by his passion and dedication to work and my friend David, who has always been my backbone. He always checks up on me, prays with me, and encourages me with the little cash he has then. when I told him about my struggles and intentions to drop out of school, he shared his strategies for balancing work and school. He encouraged me to join a study group and to go into the okirika business. So work won't press me that much...


With Mr. Promise's inspiration and financial support and my friend David's support, I just found the motivation to continue my education. I joined the study group as I went back to school and then I began to excel in school. Mr. Promise became my mentor, advisor, and guiding light. I was about to change the course I was studying but he talked me into pursuing a career in environmental biology.

My grades improved, and I discovered a passion for sustainability and conservation. I began to see the connection between my work as a waitress and the impact of human actions on the environment. I realized l wanted to make a difference so I pursued a career in environmental biology.

Thanks to Mr. Promise and David's influence, l graduated from a high institution with good grades and currently working on research about the flaring in my state and how to contain it. I use every opportunity to educate people about sustainability and inspire positive change.

If these people didn't come my way I would have dropped out of school, and who knows what would have become of me? people can inspire and influence us to make positive choices and pursue our dreams. Mr. Promise and David's support and encouragement both financially and in prayer helped me find my path and still working on touching more lives.
Try to make a change at least in one or two people's lives every year.
I hope my story inspires someone today, and that the best is still ahead.

The image I used is mine


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Try to make a change at least in one or two people's lives every year.

Whatever goodness you receive from people, take it forward. You understood that you can give the help you received back to others.
God bless your friend and Mr. David for their help.

Thank you dear

When we are at the verge of giving up, God sends someone or something to keep us stick on our paths and passion. That's amazing.

I am really delighted to hear that you found such gems in tour difficult times who encouraged you and support you and made it possible for you to grow into a better and wiser person.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

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