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RE: LOH 183 | Month-End Rush, A Grumpy Cat, and Funny Names

in Ladies of Hive • last month

Fluffy is so cute😻 Here the gasoline queues are usually due to shortage announcements and not due to price variations. Here a liter of petrol costs 0.50 US$ and they have long since stopped offering various types of fuel in terms of quality, so you have to live with what you have.

Around here it is also customary to give nicknames to people because of their appearance hehe especially in small towns. Poor guy the one who was called worm, lol.


Here a liter of petrol costs 0.50 US$

Omg, here, where there's supposed to have an abundance of oil, a liter is about $0.88! 😱

Here too oil is abundant but the story is complicated;) And despite the abundance of oil in the country, we do not produce enough fuel and there is a shortage of it, especially outside the capital.