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RE: A trip to life, of life, for life - Dreemport Challenge(d)

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

I was destined to be an avid lover of books myself. We played scrabble often, late into the night, always with a dictionary and thesaurus to hand, and I learned to love words more than I ever thought was possible.

😊😊, no wonder the high quality performances at the Pob-wotw and at your personal contents, lol.

Mom, you were taken from us way too soon and way too suddenly. I will never forget getting that call from Dad on 27th April, 2019

Oh so sad, that moment comes with a lot of unbelievable reality.

It was a heart attack. The tragedy is that it was completely preventable. High blood pressure when left unchecked is a ticking time bomb.

The same thing happened to my dad, I could still remember the day as clear as possible, I wish I had more knowledge about it as at October 2013.

So my gift to you today, the 2nd of December, what would have been yours and Dad's 54th Wedding Anniversary, is this:

You have to celebrate this, thank God for that wedding day, it has produced wonderful fruits in wish your existence is one of it.

May she continue to rest well in our Lord’s paradise

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Thank you, my friend. Those of us who have experienced the loss of a parent, share in each other's pain. At least we are living reminders of their enduring presence in this world. Big hugs to you🙏

Yes that matters a lot, everyone will depart one day, The legacy we leave behind is what matters