Ladies of Hive Community Contest #104[Eng/Esp]

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago


Hello, my dear friends from Hive, a cordial greeting to all, especially to all the ladies who make up this wonderful community and who, week after week, bring us this contest which allows us to express ourselves freely. This week's theme, like all the previous ones, is very interesting. , congratulations to @joanstewart for bringing us these questions which make us remember everything we experienced many years ago

Hola mis queridos amigos de Hive un cordial saludo para todos, en especial a todas las damas que integran esta maravillosa comunidad y que semana tras semana nos traen este concurso el cuál nos permite expresarnos libremente, el tema de esta semana como todas las anteriores muy interesante, felicidades a @joanstewart por traernos estás interrogantes las cuales nos hacen recordar todo lo vivido muchos años atrás

🔸 30 years ago, what do you remember as a woman -vs- what is happening in the world today. One memory and what the change has been whether positive or negative.

🔸Hace 30 años, qué recuerdas como mujer -vs- lo que está pasando en el mundo de hoy. Un recuerdo y cual ha sido el cambio si positivo o negativo.

Phew what I remember they ask me to talk about a memory, well excuse me if I go on a bit😁 wow my childhood was incredible, I have the best memories of it, I had a group of friends as our homes were close and we all knew each other we all met the afternoons to play, the theme, the shot, the hidden, were 2 or three hours of pure fun, we had one hour to go out and another to get home, better and we fulfilled it because if not there the gifts would come🤪 Something that I will never forget was once when we played the theme and I stumbled 😞 I fell with my mouth open and broke one of my central teeth, ufffs what a scare and pain, well thank God there are dentists, in the winter time we They saw everyone in the street bathing in the rain, what a good thing, everything was so healthy, without a doubt I can say that I had one of the best childhoods, there was no internet or cell phones, communication was personal or by message there was only a home phone and this happened a long time later, there was no delivery, we had to go out to buy and do the errand, ahhhh and the money was enough for everything, what times those were

Ufff lo que recuerdo me piden que hable de un recuerdo , bueno disculpen si me extiendo un poco😁 woow mi niñez fue increíble, tengo los mejores recuerdos de ella, tenía un grupo de amigos como nuestros hogares eran cerca y todos nos conocíamos nos reunimos todas las tardes a jugar, la teima , el fusilado, el escondido, eran 2 o tres horas de pura diversión, teníamos una hora de salir y otra de llegar a casa , más vale y lo cumplieramos porque si no allí venían los regalos🤪
Algo que nunca voy a olvidar fue una vez que jugamos la teima y tropecé 😞 caí con la boca abierta y me rompí uno de mis dientes central, ufffs qué susto y dolor, bueno gracias a Dios existen los odontólogos, en la época de invierno nos veían en la calle todos bañándonos en la lluvía, que cosa más buena, todo era tan sano, sin duda puedo decir que tuve una de las mejores infancias, no había internet ni celulares, la comunicación era personal o por recado solo había teléfono de casa y esto sucedió mucho tiempo después, no existían delivery, teníamos que salir a comprar y hacer el mandado , ahhhh y el dinero alcanzaba para todo, qué tiempos aquellos

Today everything is so different, the meetings have already been postponed due to a msg or a WhatsApp, there are many ways to stay in touch but I feel that the most important thing has been lost, that contact with your loved ones, sitting down to have a coffee or an afternoon with your friends, technology has advanced so much before there were no instant videos or photos, technology is very important but we must know how to use it since it has its pros and cons, the problems caused are as much, it depends on each one of us as we use it, if we put it to good use it is a great work tool, in addition to helping us to be in contact with those loved ones who live in another city or country and that we could not do so easily before, the world has changed so much that it depends of each one adapting, always remembering and never forgetting our roots

Hoy en día todo es tan diferente, ya las reuniones se pospusieron por un msj o un WhatsApp son muchísimas las formas de estar en contacto pero siento que se ha perdido lo más importante, ese contacto con tus seres queridos, sentarse a tomar un café o una tarde con tus amigos, la tecnología ha avanzado tanto antes no existían videos o fotos al instante, la tecnología es muy importante pero debemos saber usarla ya que tiene sus pro y contra, son tanto los problemas causados, depende de cada uno de nosotros como la usamos, si le damos el buen uso es una gran herramienta de trabajo, además de ayudarnos a estar en contacto con esos seres queridos que viven en otra ciudad o país y que antes no podíamos hacer tan fácilmente, el mundo a cambiado tanto que depende de cada uno ir adaptándonos, recordando siempre y nunca olvidando nuestras raíces

I would not like to say goodbye without first inviting my dear @marnaza to participate, I hope she can join

No quisiera despedirme sin antes invitar a participar a mi querida @marnaza, espero y pueda unirse

Photos and content of my property
I wait for you in a next post
Many blessings


Fotos y contenido de mi propiedad
Los espero en un próximo post
Muchas bendiciones


Wow the word that glued me is when I read the line that said you have an incredible childhood and I must say you are lucky because not everyone has fun as you do.

That's right and I thank God every day for it 😚

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@delicarola, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

thank you very much ☺️

Keeping personal contact over a meal or cup of coffee is by far more rewarding. Earlier years with no cellphones attached to our hand gave us much more freedom, time to really get to know direct neighbours too, something lost in the world today.

Greetings, yes I had a happy childhood and I was able to enjoy having friends that over the years became brothers, to communicate we had to visit or meet in the usual place, that person-to-person contact that is not replaced by anything, I recognize how important It is technology, but inadvertently, with its advances, it has kept us away from what is truly valuable, that is why we must give it the necessary use without leaving aside that direct contact that we often lack, many blessings and thanks for reading me😘

Blessed with much more contact as children, cellphones only became available in my latter years of working which I appreciate now.

Have a wonderful day and thanks for your entry.

Thank you very much for such wonderful questions which took me to my best time, for me it was a pleasure to participate, many blessings, beautiful and prosperous day

if I had just one career wish, it would be for better opportunities. The struggle women face in getting to the top in their careers.

excellent choice, let's hope so

Los cambios ocurrieron rápidamente y con esto se mejoro en muchos aspectos pero otros se vieron bastante afectados, pero es lindo que recuerdes tu niñez de forma tan grata. Saludos


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Saludos amiga, así es el cambio ha sido total , pero es como tú dices tuvo sus pro y contra, lo importante es tomar lo positivo y adaptarse al cambio, un abrazo bella, gracias por leerme 😊