Un poco de mi trabajo/A bit of my work


Cada vez que veo alguno de mis trabajos terminado, me sorprendo de lo lejos que he llegado. Y que cada vez todo luce mejor!

Every time I see some of my finished work, I am amazed at how far I have come. And that everything looks better every time!


Así lucían nuestras tortas cuando la sacamos del horno. La verdad que tuve que batir bastante mezcla para hacer esta torta de 3 pisos. Mi mamá me ayudo a batir esta mezcla, ella batió la mantequilla y la azúcar mientras yo bati las claras a punto de nieve que siento que hacer la mezcla así le da mucho mas esponjosidad a mis tortas!

This is how our cakes looked when we took them out of the oven. The truth is that I had to mix a lot of mixture to make this 3-tier cake. My mom helped me to beat this mixture, she beat the butter and the sugar while I beat the whites to the point of snow that I feel that making the mixture like this gives my cakes much more fluffiness!


Luego de ya tener las tortas listas, pasamos a preparar el merengue italiano que es mi favorito y queda realmente bien. Si mo has visto mis otros post por aquí te dejare las cantidades que uso para hacer el merengue italiano:

  • 4 claras de huevo.
  • 300 gr de azúcar.
  • 125 ml de agua.
  • esencia de tu preferencia.

After having the cakes ready, we went on to prepare the Italian meringue which is my favorite and it looks really good. If you have seen my other post here, I will leave you the amounts I use to make the Italian meringue:

- 4 egg whites.

- 300 gr of sugar.

- 125 ml of water.

- essence of your preference.

Antes de decorar las tortas las arreglo para saber que estan derechas, también coloco palillos en la primera torta que ayuda am soporte de la torta y entre cada torta coloco un plato así esto evitara que la torta se caiga y por ultimo coloco un palo de pincho completo que atraviese las 3 tortas esto evitara que la torta se mueva.

Before decorating the cakes I fix them to know that they are straight, I also place toothpicks on the first cake that helps support the cake and between each cake I place a plate so this will prevent the cake from falling and finally I place a skewer stick through the 3 cakes this will prevent the cake from moving.


Así se veia la mesa ya lista. El centro de atención de la mesa es la torta. Pero también colocamos algunos animales del tema de la fiesta.

This is how the table looked ready. The center of attention on the table is the cake. But we also put some animals from the theme of the party.


Para completar también teníamos unos hermosos cupcakes que se veían muy lindos con esos animalitos.

To complete it, we also had some beautiful cupcakes that looked very cute with those animals.


Así de feliz estaba el cumpleañero. La verdad es maravilloso ser parte de momentos especiales en la vida de los demas. Para muchos es simplemente una torta pero para mi es mucho mas! Es mi trabajo, son horas de pensar como hare todo, de estar pendiente de los pequeños detalles.

That's how happy the birthday boy was. The truth is wonderful to be part of special moments in the lives of others. For many it is simply a cake but for me it is much more! It's my job, it's hours of thinking how I will do everything, of being aware of the small details.

Ver esta torta bueno las fotos me hace muy feliz. Porque todo quedo tan bello.

Seeing this cake well the photos makes me very happy. Because everything was so beautiful.


Fantastic cakes, @denissecekes!

Thanks so much friend

You have quite a flourish in making cakes, and more than enough carbohydrates to power up a room full of excited little party kids.

Thanks for Sharing ❤️😋

You are so sweet

A beautiful cake and a grand party for Ale! I can tell how much thought you put into planning this for him. I'm glad your mom was able to help, since I know you have not been feeling your best. I still am having a difficult time believing it has been a year since that little guy was born! ❤️

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Oh my goodness - you made these? That's so super cool. I can't bake at all - but I'm very good at trying, and making a mess as I go!

The birthday boy looks so happy to have not only cake, but cupcakes as well. Good job on the table setting and decorations for this event.

As always I live the cakes hope Alejandro also love it