Contest #119 /Stepping out of my comfort zone


Feliz y bendecido inicio de semana espero se encuentren realmente bien,hoy compartiré con ustedes mi entrada al concurso semanal de esta linda cumunidad, quédense hasta el final para que disfruten completamente el contenido.

Happy and blessed beginning of the week, I hope you are really well, today I will share with you my entry to the weekly contest of this nice community, stay until the end to enjoy the content completely.

Para realizar la propuesta seleccioné la pregunta 1 ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que saliste de tu zona de confort y qué lograste? de las dos o interrogantes presentada escogí está ya que me pareció la ocasión perfecta para contar una pequeña historia de cómo fue para mí salir de la zona de confort a la que tanta estaba acostumbrada .

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone and what did you achieve? Of the two questions presented, I chose this one because it seemed to me the perfect opportunity to tell a little story of how it was for me to step out of the comfort zone to which I was so used to.

Durante mi infancia y mi adolescencia fue realmente maravillosa y cómoda,solo me dedicaba a ir a la escuela, a viajar con mi familia y mi amigos ,nunca me preocupé y tampoco tuve la necesidad de explorar el mundo real a temprana edad como le ha tocado a muchas personas que desde chicos tienen que trabajar para poder sustentar sus necesidades y en ese trayecto pasan por demasiadas situaciones, afortunadamente o lastimosamente este nunca fui mi caso pero si el de mi mamá tal vez por eso ella siempre intentaba que nunca me faltará nada y la mayoría de las veces cubría más que mis necesidades mis caprichos .

During my childhood and adolescence was really wonderful and comfortable, I only dedicated myself to go to school, to travel with my family and friends, I never worried and I never had the need to explore the real world at an early age as it has happened to many people who since childhood have to work to support their needs and in that journey they go through too many situations, fortunately or unfortunately this was never my case but my mother's, maybe that's why she always tried that I never lacked anything and most of the time she covered more than my needs my whims.

Recuerdo muy bien que a lo largo de mi vida fueron pocas las veces que utilicé transporte público como les comentaba mi mamá me facilitaba absolutamente todo, tampoco es que pertenecían a una familia millonaria pero si acomodada en el sentido que nunca me faltó pan en la mesa, mi madre se esforzó que me sintiera cómoda y feliz.

I remember very well that throughout my life there were few times that I used public transportation, as I was telling you, my mother facilitated me absolutely everything, it is not that they did not belong to a millionaire family but they were well off in the sense that I never lacked bread on the table, my mother made an effort to make me feel comfortable and happy.

Yo estoy totalmente agradecida por eso sin embargo podría decir que tanta comodidad me mantuvo en un pequeño burbuja que no me permitió ni me incentivó a profundizar ciertas situaciones necesarias para crecer.

I am totally grateful for that, however I could say that so much comfort kept me in a little bubble that did not allow me nor encouraged me to deepen certain situations necessary to grow.

A los 18 tenía que ingresar a la universidad así que mi período encapsulada en mi zona de confort había terminado.La universidad en la cual estudios queda en otra ciudad entonces por primera vez tenía que viajar solo en un autobús hacia un destino que era totalmente desconocido para mi,no sabía dónde se encontraban mi facultad pues la casa de estudio es inmensa y existe diversas facultades, tampoco tenia conocimiento de la ubicación de las aulas, preguntaba y me mandaba a otro lugares jajaja , despertaba a las 4 am para preparar el desayuno y dirigirme a la parada,
además cuando se me presentaba algún problema allá tenía que resolverlo rápido y ¿adivinen que ? no estaba mamá para solucionarlo.

At 18 I had to enter the university so my period encapsulated in my comfort zone was over, the university in which I studied was in another city so for the first time I had to travel alone on a bus to a destination that was totally unknown to me, I did not know where my faculty was located because the house of study is huge and there are several faculties, I had no knowledge of the location of the classrooms, I asked and sent me to another place hahaha, I woke up at 4 am to prepare breakfast and go to the bus stop,Also when I had a problem there I had to solve it fast and guess what? my mom was not there to solve it.


al principio no me gusto para nada es más fue tan impactante el cambio para mí que en las tarde cuando llegaba a mi casa empeza a llorar como una niña chiquita jajaj sumándose que en este momento estaba recuperándome de un accidente automovilístico ,todo fue rápido una situación tras otras .

at the beginning I didn't like it at all, in fact, the change was so shocking for me that in the afternoon when I got home I started crying like a little girl, adding that at this moment I was recovering from a car accident, everything was fast for me, one situation after another.

Por suerte esto me sirvió como trampolín para desarrollar mis habilidades sociales,mi capacidad para resolver problemas por si sola y también me ayudó a conocer un poco más el mundo real y explorar todo aquello que nunca había experimentado.

Luckily this served as a springboard for me to develop my social skills, my ability to solve problems on my own and also helped me to get to know the real world a little more and explore things I had never experienced before.

Es todo por hoy gracias por leerme nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad bye ♥️

That's all for today thank you for reading me see you next time bye ♥️



Felicitaciones me gustó tu relato, que bueno que todo lo que viviste te sirvió para seguir adelante y así llegar a la meta... Saludos, bendiciones y éxitos. ❤️🤗

What a great decision and the fact you come up on top is great and a wonderful outcome.

Thank you for joining the contest this week.
Good luck and thank you for sharing your entry in the comments of ladiesofhive contest

Stepping out, especially on your own, for the first time, can be scary! I think everybody experiences that, and even multiple times at different ages depending on the circumstances. You did good! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!

Ohh yes, when we are with our parents we are so safeguarded but when we venture out of that territory a lot of things change, challenges come true and some illusions of life also break. In a way it brings lot of learning and freedom

Wow what a lovely write up, majority of us that grew with our parents didn't know what they are doing for us. Not until we are independent or they at a far mile till we will appreciate all what they have done. You have really done well to have grow to overcome all your challenges and develop a problem solving skills. Thanks for sharing this with us

You are the best version of your parents, even though they gave you everything you needed so that nothing was missing, I am sure you had the mettle to solve everything that came up. You will continue to have the strength and along the way, you will learn many things you didn't think you could do.