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RE: How to be a minimalist and it's benefits in your life

I watched not too long ago, a series called Tiny House Nation. One of the things that folks who wanted the Tiny House lifestyle had to do was pare down what they owned; what they thought they needed. It was easy for some and tough for others.

I am intrigued by this lifestyle. I know I have a lot of things that I don't use (clothing is one) but have yet to come to the point of actually getting rid of it. Someday, and soon, I will make the move to at least pare it down some. I would think I'd have to do this a couple of times, just knowing my nature.

How long did it take for you to adjust to this lifestyle? I know the people on the series I spoke of, said there was a sense of freedom found, by shedding all of the 'stuff'.

Thank you for sharing; take care and have a lovely day!


It's was not easy at first but it took 3 to 4 yours of getting used to it. But then it gave us liberation to go anywhere and don't have to worry about things anymore! It was best decision so far. Good luck to you. I hope it works out for you too.

Thank you for responding! Take care!

You are welcome😊
You too take care.