Hola amigas de LOH!
Otra semana en la que tenemos la oportunidad de interactuar entre nosotras así conocernos mejor tomando como base esos pequeños e interesantes detalles que nos hacen diferentes pero que nos acercan. Esta ocasión la amiga @kerrislravenhill nos trae como de costumbre 2 preguntas de la cuales yo tomaré la primera. Invito a @aurrodivys quien podría contarnos acerca de sus sueños.¿Tiene sueños recurrentes? ¿Qué crees que intentan decirte?
No todos tenemos la misma manera de percibir los sueños. Algunos piensan que solo son eventos estériles que no tienen importancia, otros que son producto de alguna preocupación, algunos creen que al dormir nuestro espíritu deja nuestro cuerpo y sale a tener aventuras y otros que como yo creen que muchas veces son mensajes que recibimos mientras nuestro cuerpo está en descanso.
Desde muy niña siempre he tenido sueños que si bien no son los mismos tienen el mismo protagonista, el mar. Pero no en una forma pacífica, hermosa y serena sino de manera fuerte y tormentosa. Ya les cuento.
En una ocasión estuve soñando varios días que mis hermanos y yo estábamos en casa y nos habíamos quedado solos. Nuestra casa tenía tres pisos y estábamos en el último. Yo, me asomé por la ventana de esa habitación y de pronto comenzó a llover. Era una lluvia tan fuerte que se casi no me dejaba ver, por un momento logré limpiarme los ojos y vi una ola inmensa que venía hacia mi casa y yo les decía a mis hermanos: "Corran que nos ahogamos", sin embargo; no lográbamos salir de la casa. Ese sueño se repitió por varios días y yo le conté a mi abuela y ella me dijo, que a veces los sueños eran mensaje, que debíamos estar atentos.
Pocos días después soñé que habíamos ido a la playa y que mamá estaba jugando con la arena, de espalda al mar y yo estaba bajando entre las rocas para llegar donde ella estaba. De pronto, de la nada el estado del mar cambió y las olas se hicieron cada vez más altas y fuertes, sin embargo mamá no se inmutaba y seguía de espalda, yo le gritaba que se moviera y ella no me escuchaba y las olas golpeaban su espalda de manera que la removían bruscamente pero ella seguía allí sentada, como esperando el siguiente golpe.
A los pocos días murió el hermano de mamá y yo recordé lo que me había dicho mi abuela. Fue un golpe fuerte para ella porque era su único hermano varón con el cual tenía mucha afinidad.
En el año 1.999 más de uno recordará lo que sucedió en mi país, en lo que hoy día se llama Estado La Guaira. Fue una de las más grandes tragedias que ha ocurrido en Venezuela. Aún hay personas que no han sido encontradas. Todo quedó tapiado por el barro, las piedras y luego removido.
Días antes yo había estado soñando muy seguido con que el mar se metía y veía mucha destrucción y mi esposo me decía que eso pasaba porque como yo pasaba todos los días frente al mar y para ese tiempo había llovido tanto que estábamos bajo el nivel del mar y como yo le tenía tanto temor estaba teniendo esos sueños. Pasaban los días y no paraba de llover y mis sueños se volvían aún más recurrentes, ya yo le había dado crédito a las palabras de mi esposo y decía que mis sueños me tenían vuelta una mata de nervios.
La mañana del 16 de diciembre del 99, mi esposo se asoma por la ventana del apartamento como todas las mañanas acostumbraba y me llamó alarmado y me dijo "Ven a ver". Toda una montaña de tierra se había venido hacia la avenida, escuchábamos personas que gritaban porque sus casa habían quedado tapiadas y otra se habían caído. Había comenzado una tragedia. Yo solo pensaba en los sueños que había tenido. Era esa misma sensación de desasosiego y terror que días antes había sentido, solo que esta vez era real.
Si bien es cierto que no debemos vivir pensando en que todo lo que soñamos pueda convertirse en realidad, también es verdad o por lo menos razonable estar siempre atentos.
Hello LOH friends!
Another week in which we have the opportunity to interact with each other and get to know each other better based on those small and interesting details that make us different but bring us closer. This time our friend @kerrislravenhill brings us as usual 2 questions of which I'll take the first one. I invite @aurrodivys who could tell us about her dreams.
Let's start!!
Do you have recurring dreams, what do you think they are trying to tell you?
We don't all have the same way of perceiving dreams. Some think they are just sterile events that have no importance, others that they are the product of some concern, some believe that when we sleep our spirit leaves our body and goes out to have adventures and others like me believe that many times they are messages that we receive while our body is at rest.
Since I was a child I have always had dreams that although they are not the same, they have the same protagonist, the sea. But not in a peaceful, beautiful and serene way but in a strong and stormy way. I'll tell you about it.
On one occasion I was dreaming for several days that my brothers and I were at home and we were alone. Our house had three floors and we were on the top floor. I looked out the window of that room and suddenly it started to rain. It was raining so hard that I could hardly see, for a moment I managed to wipe my eyes and I saw a huge wave coming towards my house and I told my brothers: "Run or we will drown", however, we could not get out of the house. That dream was repeated for several days and I told my grandmother and she told me that sometimes dreams were a message, that we should be attentive.
A few days later I dreamt that we had gone to the beach and mom was playing in the sand, with her back to the sea and I was climbing down the rocks to get to her. Suddenly, out of nowhere the state of the sea changed and the waves became higher and higher and stronger, however mom didn't flinch and kept on her back, I shouted at her to move and she didn't listen to me and the waves hit her back in a way that removed her sharply but she was still sitting there, as if waiting for the next blow.
Some days later mom's brother died and I remembered what my grandmother had told me. It was a hard blow for her because he was her only male sibling with whom she had a lot of affinity.
In 1999, more than one will remember what happened in my country, in what today is called the State of La Guaira. It was one of the greatest tragedies that has occurred in Venezuela. There are still people who have not been found. Everything was covered by mud, stones and then removed.
Days before, I had been dreaming very often that the sea was coming in and I saw a lot of destruction and my husband told me that this was happening because I spent every day in front of the sea and by that time it had rained so much that we were below sea level and because I was so afraid of it, I was having these dreams. The days went by and it did not stop raining and my dreams became even more recurrent, I had already given credence to my husband's words and he said that my dreams were making me nervous.
On the morning of December 16, 1999, my husband looked out of the apartment window as he used to do every morning and called me in alarm and said "Come and see". A whole mountain of earth had come down the avenue, we heard people screaming because their houses had been walled up and another one had fallen down. A tragedy had begun. I only thought of the dreams I had had. It was the same feeling of uneasiness and terror that I had felt days before, only this time it was real.
While it is true that we should not live thinking that everything we dream can become reality, it is also true or at least reasonable to always be vigilant.
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It can be quite a terrifying experience. Hope, no one has to go through such experiences...
I hope so too. It's really disconcerting and hopeless both in dreams and in reality. thanks for your visit!
Thank you!!
Que fuertes sueños o pesadillas. Muchas personas predicen cosas a través de sus sueños, tú de manera inconsciente lo has hecho.
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Y puedo asegurarte que no es nada simpático tener esa experiencia. Ahora mismo llevo días soñando con algo en lo que no quiero ni pensar :(
Gracias por leerme y por su apoyo. Un gran abrazo!
Seriously? I had goosebumps reading your story..
I did dreamt of surviving a tsunami and other natural phenomena, but it usually is after effect of experiencing a catastrophe in real life. When the strongest typhoon Yolanda hit our place, I kept dreaming of tsunamis after that.. My mind probably was not over yet with the tragedy that happened to our place..
Hugs!Hi @jane1289, that also tends to happen when you experience a traumatic event. As human beings we are full of surprises, our body as a whole many times responds in ways that sometimes even we don't understand and that experience may have left you stressed out. We must also remain calm but alert! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!
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I enjoy the peaceful rhythm of the sea at my local beach so seldom I think of water being representative of danger. Your vision of the sea in relation to reality is very intriguing.

Thank you for sharing these dreams @esthersanchez
You know that is something I have never understood, because precisely that is not my perception about the sea, I love the sea and I get before it a lot of calm, I also live in an area close to the sea, however this has happened to me. Thanks for your visit @kerrislravenhill, Have a nice day!