Shoutout to Mr. Kemzy: He Taught Me How Beneficial is the Online Space #186

Good evening, everyone. I hope you all had an awesome day.
I humbly seek permission to participate in another contest in this community. I would feel remiss if I did not acknowledge him.

shoutout to mr kem.jpg

Photo designed in Canva

In the course of life, you will often encounter individuals with a positive mindset, almost like they were sent as angel to guide you towards growth and development for free. When I speak of growth, I refer not only to increasing in age but also to mental and financial growth.

I met Mr. Kemzy, an entrepreneur in the digital space, through one of his Facebook ads. He decided to host a free class where everyone could interact and find their place in the digital world.
He mentioned numerous opportunities, such as learning how to trade crypto currency, designing websites, creating high-quality graphic designs, copywriting, and much more. He presented these as chances to learn from successful individuals in various tech fields.

Previously, I was the kind of person who would scroll through my Facebook pictures aimlessly when online, not doing anything productive or earning from the internet. However, after encountering Mr. Kem, my mindset and mentality began to improve significantly.
He taught me that, thanks to the internet, the world is a small place where you can communicate with people in your niche who need your services. I used to think it was impossible to freelance from home without going to a traditional job, but I later realized that the current job system can be exhausting and stressful. The best thing one can do is to learn a valuable skill that allows you to work from home.

I continued following Kem, allowing him to show me various aspects I could get involved in while finding my place in the digital world. Through this journey, I learned how to conduct online research, and during one of these sessions, I stumbled upon Hive when I saw the borehole project they had completed online. Link to Project

This discovery further clarified the need to acquire a skill. The current education system in my country is structured in such a way that even if you graduate from university, it becomes very hard to find a job. Most employers ask graduates what practical skills they have, and the response is often negative because school does not teach what is required in the outside world.

The outside world is straightforward: to thrive, you must master something trending that you didn’t know before and engage with people in your niche.

Now, guess where Kem is right now.

I can't answer that question because I heard he left the country, and all his numbers are no longer reachable. I truly believed he was an angel sent to help me realize that the internet could be my source of income. Although I’m not stable yet, I believe that someday I will find my footing.

Thanks for reading, friends. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.


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Thank you so much do have a lovely weekend!

Much the same with Canadian Universities. Short on applicable and practical skills rather than theory.