The EDI Woman for Nigeria #181

in Ladies of Hive2 months ago

Hey everyone, hope you're all having a great week! Shout out to all the awesome ladies out there. I'm excited to be part of this cool contest that's all about recognizing the power of women, especially those who've been fighting for equity, diversity, and including everyone. Let's call that EDI for short.
Photo belongs to Aisha Yesufu(END-SARS)

So, let's succinctly talk about equity, diversity, and inclusion (or EDI). Equity means treating everyone fairly, no bias. Diversity is about celebrating all the ways people are different, not just their gender, race, or background. And inclusion means making sure everyone feels welcome and valued in participation. When we put all three together, it means creating a world where women are treated equally, no matter where they come from or what they look like. That's the kind of world where women can thrive without any fear, just excitement and realize their God-given goals.
This photo belongs to Aisha Yesufu (END -SARS Protest)

It all starts when a woman knows her own worth, her purpose. That's what drives her to stand up for EDI. But in some places, women aren't encouraged to dream big. They're just expected to be wives, moms, and homemakers. But every woman has dreams beyond that, dreams that deserve to be chased, even when there's no conflict involved. So many believe that the only time when you hear a woman’s voice is when she is calling for justice during conflict with her husband or any man, but that’s a wrong orientation.

Let's talk about an amazing woman who've fought for EDI. Like Aisha Yesufu, who used her voice to help Nigerians suffering at the hands of a security agency called SARS. These guys were supposed to protect people, but instead, they were robbing, hurting and killing innocent people. Aisha led protests to stop them, even when she was offered money to keep quiet on the matter. She stood her ground, and thanks to her, SARS is no more. Although the amount of innocent protesters who were killed in the process where much.

I've seen firsthand how ruthless SARS can be. They stopped my bus on my way to school in one of the eastern states in Nigeria. They were on the road and we all thought they were meant to secure the road. WHO UNA BE! They all muttered, searched us all, and even planted drugs (marijuana) on someone just to make an arrest. They were successful at it although the young man wasn’t given a chance to defend himself. He was taken to the prison and had to pay a sum NGN400,000 to get bailed out for a crime he didn’t commit. It's scary how they abuse their power, but thankfully, people like Aisha who fought back.

As regards women unity in my country, I can say I haven't seen an exceptional committee of women in Nigeria on political grounds , I have only realized women's unity on church based gathering, market based gathering and other small denominations. The wives of presidents, governors and most influential people do not really get involved on serious political issues except there be need for one. In a thousand women only 100 may stand for EDI.

So, let's give a round of applause to Aisha Yesufu and all the women like her who refuse to stay silent in the face of injustice. Thanks for reading my blog, do have an epic week!

Follow Aisha Yesufu on Twitter:
This photo is Mine

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One strong person changing the lives of many, talk in markets or church together needs to be taken out into the open for people to know how you feel. Well done on that one person being Aisha Yesufu standing out for the woman in your region.


Thanks a lot. Yes I agree with you that those talk which are secretive ones in the market needs to be voiced out. Not just voiced out alone with words but action. Thanks for reading!

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Empower a woman or women
And see the world grow, develop and prosper 📌

Thank you for all you do

I agree with your view points. Thanks for reading through.

Community makes the difference ❤️

If women out there are willing to form a reliable community, difference will be made. Thanks for reading

I’ve not heard about Aisha before but I’ve seen pictures of her.
Wow she really did a lot for the SARS protest. You guys need more of her kind in your country

That's very true sister. many Nigerians are joyful she handled it properly. There was no violence except on the side of the military.

This woman is just so bold and unique, I cherish her boldness. She really tried during the end SARS saga

We could use more women like Aisha in Canada, corruption is running rampant in our own police forces.

Wow, I thought civilization has comb curruption abroad. My dear Sister, it's everywhere and I don't think it may get better.