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RE: Skinnies can pull off anything...?

in Ladies of Hive2 months ago (edited)

Would you say you have your own style?

The most unique piece of my clothing is yellow pants I bought years ago. I don't see many people wearing something like that. During a winter and early spring I also wear my favorite basketball team's scarf. it is even older- My dad bought it when he was alive and he died about a decade ago. One of my favorite pieces of clothing was jacket that belonged to my dad when he was young... It is a shame that I no longer have it. So I guess you could have called my style retro or something like that?


That's pretty cool! I love that so many of these items have a backstory. I guess that's what I mean when I say a unique style. As opposed to just taking something off the rack at the nearest H&M. :D I just bought some bright yellow-orangey pants too, as it happens. I agree, it's a way underrated color for some reason.