Beautiful Sunset LOH #174

in Ladies of Hive5 months ago


Watching the sunset is one beautiful sight to behold, it captivates so many people, and it's an evidence that a day on God's green earth is slowly coming to an end.

I wasn't usually one to take notice of these kinds of occurrences before, like I just knew that night was coming, and it finally comes when everywhere is dark, and then in the morning, the day slowly begins to 'appear'. It was not such a big deal for me.

Some of the most beautiful times of the day are sunrise and sunset. We want to know which is your favorite and why? Also, please add a photo you've taken of your favorite one so we can all share in the beauty of it!


My approach to sunset and sunrise changed in 2019 when I had to go for my National Youth Service somewhere up North, this was my first time going that far. I was born and bred in the South, so this was my first time going over to the North.

On getting there, on the first day I arrived I discovered that at around 6:00 pm the sun had already set, like the whole place was already dark, which wasn't something I was used to where I was coming from. By 6:00 pm, the day was still quite bright, everything was intriguing. By the next day, another thing happened, by 6:00 am again, the day was already so bright, the sun had risen a long time ago, I had to mention it to my family when they called and I had to give them a rundown of my experience so far, my dad understood it more because he had lived in the North for some time.


One of the reasons I appreciate sunset is that it gives me a moment to appreciate the day's experiences, from morning up until that time, what I was able to achieve for the day, the hurdles I had to jump, and everything about the day. It also gives me a chance to think about my life in general.

As I had said earlier it is a beauty to behold, observing the sunset brings about this deep connection with nature, and it helps me appreciate the handiwork of God and nature also. Its array of vibrant colorful paintings in the sky never fails to leave an imprint on our mind's eyes, it could even be captured in camera if one is handy.

It also has such a calming and soothing effect that tends to absorb all of your worries at that moment. It also provides a means for escaping the hustle and bustle of our very busy lives.

Have you tried watching the sunset with a loved one, or even a stranger, all I can say is that it creates some sort of sense of connection between you both and leaves behind a lasting memory (you should try it and see, and thank me later).

I love both the sunrise and the sunset, but I think I appreciate the sunset more, this is my response to the @ladiesofhive prompt.

Thank you for stopping by💞💞💞

All images are mine except otherwise stated

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My aunt speaks of how dark it gets at 6pm. She lives in the North. I love sunset too, it's a beautiful fleeting yet memorable moment that we can never get familiar with. Nature is beautiful.

We can never get familiar with it at all

My most intriguing experience is when I was up in Alaska one summer and found both sunrise and sunset the same, a 24 hour daytime. That's why it is refereed to as the Land of the midnight sun. Besides, I can't decide which one is better.

Wow, that must have been so amazing, I sure would have enjoyed it a lot.


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Thank you for sharing your reflections on the sunset. Take care and have a lovely and blessed day!🤗💜

Thank you 🤗
Do also have a blessed day @elizabethbit

You are welcome, and thank you!🤗💜

This is very well written post on sunset @fredaa I can see your journey into finding a new change in your life, and also your reflections on sunset. It is so cool when we can enjoy the various surprises put out by Mother Nature. It is like we get energy for free :)

I do appreciate sunset with a loved one. Before pandemic my wife and I would try to block at least one evening every weekend when we would both have tea in our balcony while watching the sunset through the buildings and nature around. Just chill and talk about the week with good hot chai and snacks till it became dark and we started preparing for Monday.

Alas since pandemic due to pressures on both work side as well as personal health front, we have not had the pleasure of enjoying those moments. On reading your post I feel like we need to start those tea sessions again :)

Thanks for writing such a beautiful post.
Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

Oh thank you @brijwhiz for you kind words, I think you and your wife should find a way to revive the old habit, it's indeed refreshing and cool. Thank you for stopping by 🤗

Sunset is a beautiful experience to behold. As I am sitting right here, I can view to beautiful reflection of a yellow sun. The connection with nature is top notch. I equally love sunrise. It comes with a pleasing weather. Thank you for this beautiful piece.


Thanks @lightpen sunrise also gives a nice feeling xbut I don't have the luxury of time in the morning to watch it. Thanks for stopping by.

Sunset and sunrise are two beautiful nature I love and helped me appreciate God's handiwork. I love watching the sunrise at my place of work as it is always stationed at the same spot every morning which amazes me. Whenever I look up to see, I smile and believe the day would be amazing. Sunset too is so admiring. God's work is beautiful 😍

I popped in here through #dreemport

Thank you for stopping by. They're both amazing part of nature.

I love sunset so well too but then, there are days when sunrise tends to look so beautiful. I could literally stare at sunset for hours (it doesn't last for hours though). They're really a sight to behold

I love the rising and the setting of the sun but the thing is I only get to see the setting of the sun most times and that made me love it more, hehe

This is a beautiful piece ❤️

Sunsets are so similar and yet different wherever you are. Here in the Pacific Northwest of the US, a sunset can last for an hour with the light slowly fading, while in places like Arizona or Wyoming, one minute the sun is on the edge of the horizon and the light is glowing and the next minute, after the sun drops, it is pitch black.