
Oh, thank you! You are very welcome for the assistance!

I love the account and here is the vote for your very first comment! Following And I can't wait to check this out!

I teach people how to maximize growth on their accounts if you'd like to learn I can definitely help teach!

Have an amazing day.

Thank you so much! I'd greatly appreciate any input and wisdom. I'd like to ultimately grow a big community of kindness here. There is broad appeal and I'll try to bring in some people from outside of Hive to join here as well. ☺️

Here is linked to my direct server and I do quick lessons on how to automate your account which then starts the beginning of you compounding interest on everything that you have invested here...

After that 5 minute voice walkthrough 15 to 30 minutes for trading and Diesel pool investments since now you have a high of account you can invest in yourself as well as the communities on our blockchain and get paid.

I have multiple accounts and multiple investments that are doing phenomenal.

I actually have gotten paid to be a part of different investment pools just for being a part of certain ones long-term.

All the information is published you just now make the decision on what you want to invest your money here on the blockchain in and get paid to do it.

And it is free as well. Well I mean it is for me all this internet money is a blessing and this free money is now turning into quite a serious situation.

Not to mention then having you go teach even more cool friends how this all works and we all be successful?

Glad to have got you early on! The more we teach each other the more we all grow together. The more amazing our future can be.

I was already a member on the Hive discord before I officially joined here. I have a different username there. I'll give you a shout-out. Thank you so much for your generous offer! ☺️

Excellent I can't wait to say hello.