Greetings new friends.

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago

Hi, ladies of Hive.


I found this post in the posts of @ melinda 010100. And I see that I should make a short summary of my presentation in your hive.

I have been at Hive for about 18 months. I entered this medium for economic reasons. My income decreased. and I was looking for ways to grow up and I got into the big Hive family.

I am a health worker. I have been practicing health since I was 17 in the hospital area. At 45 I decided to work privately and retire from public service. Due to the catastrophic economic situation that my country Venezuela is experiencing today.

The Ecg patient care team that I worked with in the office was damaged. I had to stop working with patients since last year, 2019. Then my financial situation got worse.

He sold plants and homemade cakes before the pandemic. With the restrictions I stopped. Now my income depends on my activity on this platform and when I am doing very badly I go to the help of a friend. Thank God I still have very good friends!

I have bowel sequelae after surviving colon cancer.
About 10 years ago I was undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but the cancer was defeated but not its consequences. Thank God I'm alive!

Due to so many years of patient care, I have back problems and often suffer from low back pain that limits my movements and posture. That is why sometimes I cannot be active on the platform due to so many ailments.

I thank God for being close to turning 60 years old.
I love gardening, I take a lot of photos of my plants and some insects that visit me. With these photographs I have been able to remain active here for almost two years. And as long as God allows me, I'll stay here.

If I can take some of my photos to plants or insects or home baked goods, I will go to your page.

The photograph and the banner are my property

Thank you for your visit.

God blesses us always.

gertu de venezuela para el world.png


Welcome LOH.jpg

!tip 1

Many thanks to you ladies.

You are welcome, @gertu! Invite all your friends to join us... and
LOH Banner use the tag.jpg
Have a lovely day! 😍

🎁 Hi @gertu! You have received 1.0 HIVE tip from @hive-124452!

Check out @hive-124452 blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @gertu! You have received 1.0 HIVE tip from @hive-124452!

Check out @hive-124452 blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Welcome to #ladiesofhive community @gertu! I am happy to meet you and look forward to more posts from you.

Take care and have a lovely day tomorrow!🤗❣️

Hi, it is a pleasure to meet new girls.
Of course I will continue to post here!.
Receive a big virtual hug.

Got it! A virtual hug coming your way too!🤗🤗🤗💜

Glad to see you here at the Ladies of Hive Community, my friend! If you would like to, you can join the Discord The Ladies of Hive

Thank you! for the welcome.
I don't want to sound rude, but I dare not belong to a Discord. I don't have a microphone, I can't translate what I want to say very quickly. I feel comfortable commenting here.
Thank you for always being so nice to me dear @ melinda010100.

No micro phone needed. You can just type in the chats, but I am a slow typer so I completely understand. Often by the time I have typed my comment they have moved on to something else! But you can be there and just read the comments that others make, if you want to.

Ok, I will and try to be there.
Thank you so much.

And if you prefer to just post into the community that is OK, too. Not everyone likes Discord, but there are several women there who have never used Discord before and they are asking questions, so we are all learning together.

So it will be, I will publish and participate. We will learn more.

These are not easy times. I am glad Hive has given you extra income and I am more glad that you have good friends close to home who can turn to for help. Thank you for this introduction and welcome to the Ladies of Hive. 🌺

Thank you, thank you very much for your welcome and for being so kind to read my presentation.

You have an optimistic outlook of yourself despite the terrible economic conditions now occurring in your own country Venezuela. Only a faith in God can give you such fortitude. I am familiar with the news coming from that place and I have a work friend that used to live in Caracas and her family had by now left mostly to Columbia and Chile for better opportunities. I am also a Nurse living in Canada but I can see the same thing coming here as Socialism is slowly becoming dominant here. I know God has bless me, and I can learn of your example of Faith in God and in good people.

God does not abandon us. He always shakes hands and indicates the way forward.
I hope that my son finishes his university studies and then, if this situation of lack of government in my country continues, I will go to Europe. Only if God allows me.
Thanks for reading my post.
I hope you continue with many years of success, wherever life leads you by the hand of God.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @freedomtowrite on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Thank you.