[Spa-Eng] "Money and Fame" in exchange for your ....

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

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A lot of money in exchange for your soul or 10 years of your life hahahaha.

Mucho dinero a cambio de tu alma o 10 años de tu vida jajaajjaaj.


That phrase dreams like when in the middle of a movie the character of Satan appears and offers you fame and wealth in exchange for your soul, or in this case 10 years of your life.

the truth is that this phrase sounds very funny, but it is there where you imagine the situation and really appear the true questions and sincere desires of our heart, and that we are willing to change for our definition of success.

Esa frase sueña como cuando en medio de una pelicula se presenta el personaje de satanas y te ofrece , fama y riqueza a cambio de tu alma , o en este caso 10 años de tu vida .

la verdad es que esa frase suena muy gracioso, pero es alli donde te imaginas la situacion y realmente aparecen las verdaderas interrogantes y los deseos sinceros de nuestro corazon , y que estamos dispuestos a cambiar por nuestra definicion de exito .

This makes me remember a very particular anecdote, in Venezuela there was a time, in which the money was not worth anything, there was such a big devaluation that they had to make new bills with new amounts, then the people in the streets threw the money literally, and one day my mom and I got a big bag full of bills that the truth was useless, then it was common to find big bales of money, With that money I decided to do something very funny, my brother had his birthday that month and we invited some friends and decided to make a piñata of pure money and only my mom and I knew what was in that piñata, so when it was time to break the piñata, the surprise was huge to see how money fell, it was amazing how everyone jumped on the money to grab it, although they knew it had nothing of value.

Esto me hace recordar una anecdota bien particular , en Venezuela hubo un tiempo , en la cual el dinero no valia nada hubo una devualuacion tan grande que tuvieron que hacer nuevos billetes con nuevos montos , entonces la gente en las calles botaba el dinero literalmente , y un dia mi mama y yo conseguimos una bolsa grande lleno de billetes que la verdad no servian de nada , entonces era comun encontrar grandes pacas de dinero , con ese dinero decidi hacer algo bien gracioso , mi hermano cumplia años ese mes e invitamos algunos amigos y decidi hacer una piñata de puro dinero y solamente mi mama y yo sabiamos que contenia esa piñata , asi que cuando toco partir la piñata ,la sopresa fue enorme al ver como caia dinero , fue increible como todos se lanzaban sobre el dinero para agarrarlo, aunque sabian que no tenia nada de valor .



That anecdote always makes me remember what is the attitude of the people in front of the money, and the value they give to it.

I don't know if it would have been money that could really be used if the attitude would have been the same, I don't think so, I think maybe people would have taken a more defensive attitude to take everything they could and there are two things that people are never satisfied with, money and recognition.

Esa anecdota siempre me hace recordar cual es la actitud de las personas frente al dinero , y el valor que le dan .

No se si hubiera sido dinero que de verdad se pudiera utilizar si la actitud habria sido la misma , creo que no , pienso que tal vez las personas hubieran tomado una actitud mas a la defensiva por tomar todo lo que pudieran y hay dos cosas de las cuales las personas nunca se satisfacen el dinero y el reconocimiento .

when i read this phrase i found it so interesting that i was thinking about it and i asked many of my friends to see what they thought, and the opinions were really very diverse, from those who would change part of their life for money, because they have gone through multiple needs and that is also difficult, to those who would not do it.

Cuando lei esta frase me parecio tan interesante , que estuve meditando sobre ello y le pregunte a muchos de mis amigos a ver que pensaban , y las opiniones realmente fueron muy diversos , desde aquellos que si cambiarian parte de su vida por dinero , por que han pasado multiples necesidades y eso tambien es dificil , hasta aquellos que no lo harian .

In the middle of the reflection, a series of images came to my head, and I thought about how hard it had been these last 2 years with the world in general with all this pandemic that has shaken and affected homes all over the planet, and how hard it has been, We have had to evolve our thinking and realize what is really of value to us, then within this series of images that happened and still continue to happen in my head imagine people intubated to a respirator, children with cancer, people going through terminal illness and all with one desire and purpose:

En medio de la reflexion , se me vino una serie de imagenes a la cabeza , y pense en lo duro que habia sido estos ultimos 2 años con el mundo en general con toda esta pandemia que a sacudido y afectado a hogares en todo el planeta , y que duro a sido , nos a tocado evolucionar el pensamiento y darnos cuenta de lo que realmente es de valor para nosotros , entonces dentro de esta serie imagenes que pasaron y aun siguen pasando en mi cabeza imagine gente entubada a un respirador , niños con cancer , personas pasando por enfermedades terminales y todos con un solo deseo y proposito :

One more day of life

Un dia mas de Vida.

These last 2 years have made us realize that even though we may have money, if we don't have health and life , it is worthless, because we can't buy it even with all the money in the world. You know I asked my mom making the comparison with one of the most multimillionaire men of this planet if in exchange for all that money that he has, she would give 10 years of her life and you know what she answered me: what do you know, if in 10 years I can be richer than that man, so for her and for me, everything is a question of vision.

Estos ultimos 2 años , nos han hecho darnos cuenta que aunque podamos tener dinero si no tenemos salud y vida de nada vale , por que esto no lo podemos comprar ni con todo el dinero del mundo . Saben le pregunte a mi mama haciendo la comparacion con uno de los hombres mas multimillonarios de este planeta, si a cambio de todo ese dinero ella daria 10 años y saben que me respondio : que sabes tu , si yo en 10 años puedo ser mas rica que ese hombre , asi que para ella y para mi , todo es cuestion de vision .

We may Not be where we want to be at this moment, because of different situations in life, that sometimes we do not control, like where we were born, if our family had money or not and so on and so on, but what we can control is our attitude towards life and difficulties, the way we decide to live and what we will do to achieve it.

Puede ser que No estemos donde queramos en este momento , por distintas situaciones de la vida , que a veces no controlamos , como donde nacimos , si nuestra familia tenia dinero o no y asi un sin fin de situaciones que se escapan de nuestras manos , pero lo que si podemos controlar es nuestra actitud ante la vida y las dificultades , la forma en que decidimos vivir y lo que haremos para lograrlo .

Our whole purpose in life is to be happy , and to really evaluate what happiness is for us is what will determine our actions, in particular for me happiness is to be able to imagine being with my loved ones until God allows it.

Todo nuestro proposito en la vida , es ser felices y el evaluar realmente que es para nosotros la felicidad, es lo que determinara nuestras acciones , en particular para mi felicidad es poder imaginar estar al lado de mis seres queridos hasta que Dios me lo permita .

Thank you very much for sharing this moment of your life with me, reading this post, I hope you liked it.

Muchas gracias por compartir este momento de tu vida conmigo , leyendo este post, espero te haya gustado .


Todas las fotos son de mi autoria
Banner realizado con Canva
Separador de Sarahuesca. com
Traduccion con deep.translator

All photos are my own
Banner made with Canva
Separator by Sarahuesca.com
Translation with deep.translator


They do say Health is Wealth :D

It's sad and funny your money pinata ...
Thank you for sharing and happy new year ;D

Yes it was a very difficult time for the country at that time, but that's how we Venezuelans are, looking to be happy in the midst of difficulties, thank you for reading and sharing this moment with me. A big hug and happy holidays

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oh, I like your thoughts. Each of us has the same ability. Just know how to try and work hard for the goal. In 10 years, you can do more than you think. I hope you always have enough passion and enthusiasm to succeed. Thanks for your share

Isn't interesting that when we see the show or movie where people are at those crossroads and are on the brink of trading their soul to the devil, we are always saying 'no, don't do it'! Now you have the right choice in my mind; saying 'no' to money and fame and keeping those 10 years is far more valuable than money ever could be! It's interesting to me as well that some of your friends said they would. I hope that they realize before the opportunity to 'sell their souls' arises and make the right choice. Thank you for sharing and have a very Happy New Year!