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In response to the #ladiesofhive community weekly contest, my definite answer to the fact that I believe that women have a clear role in a society today is yes. I believe that in this 21st century and in our contemporary modern world, the narrative has changed and women have found their voices in their various communities, although we can see in the past that women were basically relegated to the background but reverse is the case now as women can venture into whatever areas they seem fit and uphold that integrity and dignity at the same time. It is never easy to multitask because we are faced with a lot of activities in this multifaceted society, traditions, beliefs, across the world.

A Clear role that women engage in is their contribution to their communities, it is an evident fact that women have struggled to uphold physically, mentally, and emotionally the values and essential elements to maintain growth, values and foster progress in the society. Women's contribution to society is diverse in the sense that it cuts across virtually all areas of life, ranging from education, careers, leadership, health, volunteer, nurturing family, support systems,culture preservation and many more.

In our communities we see women carrying out roles of volunteers in different aspects that aims to influence and improve lives of people they partake in various organizations and even non-governmental organizations and to carry out duties that would put a smile on people's face and elevate their happiness. For instance, in my community the Catholic church has an organization specially for the women called the Catholic women organization (cwo). What these women categorically do in the church and the community at large, is to support and uplift other women in the community that cannot single-handedly take care of themselves or do not have enough to support themselves.

They take on activities like community developments, they organize themselves to clean up a particular space that is dirty in the community or visit old people's home to take care of them by washing their clothes, cleaning their environment or they are apartment feeding them cooking special delicacies once a while. They also create vocational studies for women to enable them equip themselves to you become entrepreneurs in the society, they organize women amongst themselves who can teach tailoring, cooking, baking, pastries and so on. At the end of this vocational studies these women go out to source for funds to be able to equip this women with the various machines and instruments needed to carry out the duties fully such as buying of sewing machines, ovens,pots, gas, cookers and so on.

Another role of women contributing to the society is in the aspect of rendering social services, women have taken it as their priority to ensure that people who cannot afford basic amenities can reach out to them via their social service agencies and they will be helped. For instance, there are women in our country today who volunteers to serve as an advocate of providing shelter for the homeless, fighting against domestic violence, poverty alleviation, raising funds to cater for people's education and so many more.

In essence it is safe to say that one dominant role of women in our society today is their contributions in various ways to the society in which they live in. And to be honest women are doing very well to ensure that life is suitable for all and sundry.

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I agree.☺️

Women have come up with the model of involving in volunteer work to make society a better place to live. Mothers are a gem....they are irreplaceable.

Women are the future and I love the impact women are having in the society nowadays. We rule the world!


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