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RE: Coffee !

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago

Very nice post and I LOVE your mugs.

I do drink some coffee but that's maybe 1 time in a week, if it's even that. I'm really a tea person. And water is something I always have near me.

But just to read your post I made myself a coffee and enjoyed that while reading your blog.

Have a great weekend and take care!


What kind of tea is your favorite? Do you drink the same kind all of the time or do you like different kinds and switch them around?

That made me smile when you said my post caused you to make a cup of coffee. 🙂 💛

I always have my big lidded cup with a straw, full of water all the time. I do drink lots of water during the day.

I hope you have a great weekend too. Stay safe !

I do have a favorite tea, it's called wintertea and it's flavoured with cinnamon and orange with a few other herbs.

I drink many different kinds of tea, but mostly I drink the usual english blend because of the cheap price of that and my budget is not that high. But I really love to switch between flavours.

Ohhhh.... that Wintertea sounds delightful with cinnamon and orange. I love both of those flavors.

I usually have a few teas here, but drink them more in winter. I will fix a hot cup on a cool evening if I am not wanting to have coffee. My whistling kettle sits on my stove all winter, just waiting for me to need a hot drink. 😊

That whistling kettle on the stove sounds so cozy! I can picture that completely in my mind!

We had one long ago, but I had not had one for a very long time. About three years ago I purchased one and I have loved using it. It is more fun than heating water in the microwave. 😄 ... and since it whistles when it's boiling, I can walk away and do other things till it's ready.

Totally agreeing on that. 😊