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RE: A Market Place in My California

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago

I really enjoyed this walk with you through your town and enjoyed looking at the photos. It seems a beautiful little town to live in. But I had to laugh a bit that you call this a little town. To me it didn't look that little at all ... when I compare it to the little village I live in you live in a big but beautiful and very lively town.

The houses are a joy to the eye and I really could wander around there for hours taking in the beauty of each and every house.

Thank you for sharing your view at your hometown with us, have a fantastic Sunday dear @silversaver888. Enjoy and take care! 💖😘🌻


Hahaha😅 ... and you are right, "little" is a relative term. I lived in San Francisco for a while, and the first home I bought was in a large city as well. It is for that reason that I referred to my new town as little. I moved here just 3 years ago. It is a farming town, and my neighborhood is surrounded by agricultural land.
I am glad that you enjoyed looking at the photos. Now... if I took awesome photos like you do, I know that you would enjoy it better. The pictures here do not do justice to the real thing, LOL!
Have a lovely week ahead, my dear @hetty-rowan, and take care 🥰🌺🤙

I enjoyed this post so much that in fact it gave me inspiration to plan a trip through my little country village this week and photograph that so you can see what I mean when I say little. 😊

Thank you my dear @silversaver888. I wish you a marvelous week ahead as well, and take care. 💖😘🌻

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