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RE: So Many Things Make Me Angry

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

There are many things indeed that makes our blood pressure shoot up, I can relate with you on the repetitive requests yet still happen time and time again :) One thing I noticed was that when I stopped requesting things to be where they should be, they seem to fall into their places. It amused me the first time but maybe it's just the way it is.

Anger can be a fantastic driver of change.

This is very true. And it's fantastic when we recognize and be able to do something about it. If not like you mentioned, turning into the wisdom of letting go is better...

I put my hands on my heart and close my eyes and say: 'there, there, I recognise your feelings and it's okay to feel them, they're coming from a good place'.

This is so beautiful and so as the last paragraph that you've shared. Thank you :)


That last one is the best technique ever and I often recommend it to people. We carry a lot of self blame and shame... Which makes things worse!

stopped requesting things to be where they should be

Yes! The trick is to accept things as they are. It's a real skill! ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for sharing and I hope more will get to read and understand this. It's one of the things that most of us learn the hard way. It took me years to get it. Now I can only laugh at myself for all those times spent being resentful :)

I know right! If only we were taught it early on...

It's a great thing to teach the new gen :)