Walking Out Instantly To Keep My Sanity

in Ladies of Hive4 months ago

Preggy (I mean pregnant), rude in-laws-to-be, incapable partner.

That's just the worst combo, isn't it? So what would you do if you were in such a situation? Would you stay and put up with everything or go the other way?

For some, that might be very challenging, and would take them some time to figure things out or think things over. Others could decide in a heartbeat, take it or leave it, kind of thing. I know a few who have been in that scenario and they didn't have the same decisions.

One, very close to me, chose to stay because she was pretty much in love and was also scared of what other people would say. So they got married and lived with her in-laws where she suffered silently, and even had a miscarriage on her second pregnancy before she realized the hell she walked into. One day, she mustered the courage and finally decided it was over. She left her husband just before their child turned 6 years old. Their marriage has not been annulled yet, but she's now happily living with her son in Canada.

Another was an old friend who was 4 months pregnant but chose to ditch her boyfriend when she felt unwelcome in his family circle. As expected, she was the talk of the town (the subject of people's gossip) but she lived through them with her head held high. She said a mistake wouldn't be corrected by another. She was right and I admired her courage then and now. She is still unmarried and teaches in one of the public schools in town.

So what about me? What would I do if in their shoes?

Answering this question at this age (and mentality), I'll walk out instantly. I would not want to spend a lifetime (not even a minute) in a place where my emotional, psychological, and general well-being is at stake. I'd rather be an unwed mother than live with people who take the joy and sanity out of my life.

I learned that if a pregnant woman is not happy, it greatly affects the overall health of her baby too. I would not wish that to happen, nor have my child grow up in an environment where there is no harmony and love. Besides, if the guy couldn't stand up for us or even for himself, I would not want to have anything to do with him further. I'd even be grateful to find out about it earlier than later.

Yes, it's easy to say things but doing them is another. It can be hard. There will be emotional turmoil, pain, and doubts, among other plethora of emotions, but I believe they are temporary compared to being hurt in one's lifetime and having regrets.

So I salute those women, young and old, who prioritize their state of mind and overall well-being by walking away from a toxic relationship and from people who don't see their value. Kudos to you all!

This, by the way, is my participation in the 173rd edition of the Ladies of Hive weekly prompts. Thank you, Jane, for your great questions :)

Photo Credits:

Woman walking away by RDNE Stock project

Woman crying by Lisa Summer


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Yes, there's no point staying in an unloving environment when one is pregnant, as it can affect the baby.
Walking away indeed is the best option!

Yeah. It's the best thing to do to keep oneself sane :) Thank you !LADY

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Definitely our mental health comes first, and much more so if we have a life that we must take care of. Thank you for participating, my friend, hugs.

Perfectly said, the health of both is something that shouldn't be compromised. Thank you too, !LADY for your awesome input❤️

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Korek! Napaka-toxic pag ganyan in-laws.

Yep. Iwanan na lang hehe


Working away is the best answer, I always salute people who always stay back for some relationship that didn't worth dieing for.

That's right. I admire them too. Such is not an easy thing to do.


Walking away is the best decision if you treasure your life and your child's life, toxic environment can cause a miscarriage

Yes. The emotional burden is damaging to one's health. !PIZZA

Yeah. Most importantly mental health should be the first on list. So any environment that’s not friendly one should work away.
Thanks for sharing this with us.

Walking out away most of the time is the best. In fact I count it as the wise decision most especially when you are Angry

Yes. It's the way to go to avoid further issues :)


Having peace around is vital. But a times some decisions are hard to make. May we not find ourselves in such life threatening situations.

There is nothing as beautiful as having in-laws who love you exactly how they love their son
I’ve read stories of how in-laws treat ladies especially and it is sad
I feel bad about it

Yep. Sadly, some can be mean to new additions to their families which is bad. !LADY

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I also support you and agree whatever you have said. But I can't say that always the best decision because a lot of things need to be considered before taking such kind of decision. It also highly depends on tradition and culture also. As I never encountered that kind of situation, I prefer not to say anything about it.

It's good that you haven't encountered a similar situation. You are right about tradition and culture, that's one of the reasons why some people still try to put up with an unhealthy relationship because of their cultural beliefs.

Thank you, !PIZZA

It's awful when a relationship turns bad and unhealthy, especially during pregnancy when you need support. This woman was brave to escape the hurt. We get to choose what we want in life, nobody else can decide for us. If I was in this shoe I would have just walked away also because there is no point staying and suffering myself. Good point, @ifarmgirl!

Indeed. Sadly, such things still happen these days and people get caught in situations that they do not want. Fortunately, there's always a way out.


Sure, it does happen and the way out is just what we should find to safe our sanity.

No matter what, it's never advisable to live in a home where peace is totally absent. Although some people try to stay put to save the marriage, that's not ideal at all.

You are right, some people still try to go through the challenge and suffer in the process.


It's well with those set of people 🥹


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Well, I'm not marry but i've been in relations were it was a hell and I stayed there because , I don't know how to explain it. I Felt like I was never going to find another partner, like he was the only person in the world. One day I couldn't take it anymore and bravely decided to face the world and go out into the concrete jungle! Being alone became addictive, peaceful but I also learned a lot more about myself and now to make any decision I do it like you say "in a heartbeat"

I strongly believe most of the time when one is in that scenario, it can really be difficult to figure out an option out

That's true. Some people can decide easily but not for others. !LADY

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Amen to that! I would agree! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!

In this kind of issues a lot of people find it very difficult to leave because of some certain reasons. But I can said is a good thing to move away.


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Personal boundaries play a crucial role in this process. Setting clear boundaries helps in maintaining a sense of emotional safety and allows individuals to protect their mental health. It may involve ending relationships that are emotionally draining, establishing limits on exposure to negativity, or even seeking professional support to navigate through challenging situations.

Sorry to miss your entry now that I'm done evaluating it.🥲..
At your age, you surely have a lot of experience, so definitely know the proper things to do when it comes to handling difficult situations..

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Hehe, no worries sis :-) I also forgot to add it to the contest post😅

We learn through life haha. And I still have a lot of learning to do. !LADY

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