Ladies of Hive Community Contest #18: "What is the best advice your mother, grandmother, aunt, female role model, or a female friend ever gave you?"

Contest 18

Hola queridos hivers, ya es el concurso 18 de #LadiesOfHive y @brittandjosie nos trae unas preguntas maravillosas, de verdad que me han encantado. @albaandreina acércate.

Hello dear hivers, it's already #LadiesOfHive contest 18 and @brittandjosie brings us some wonderful questions, I really loved them. @albaandreina come on over.

Mi mamá y yo, graduación 2007, Coro-Falcón

¿Cuál es el mejor consejo que tu madre, abuela, tía, rol femenino o amiga te haya dado?

What is the best advice your mother, grandmother, aunt, female role model, or a female friend ever gave you?

Qué lindo es mirar atrás y recordar las palabras sabias que un día nos regalaron, y que el escucharlas o ignorarlas nos han llevado a cierto punto en nuestras vidas, indistintamente, escuchando o no, cuando llega la hora de la lección esta se aprende, los consejos combran vida y hacen vida en nuestros vidas, estos se hacen ley, nos encontramos dando el mismo consejo a quienes están a nuestro alrededor.

Lo hacemos porque queremos que aprendan sin equivocarse, viendo el resultad de la experiencia ajena, pero lo testarudo nos lleva a a aprender por ensayo y error.

En este sentido el consejo que atesoro es : " Quiérete a ti misma, para que puedes querer, y te puedan querer". De Mi mamá.

Amor propio, mucho tiempo en mi vida me ví de color gris, triste por haber fracasado en el amor y ser madre soltera, luego alguién llegó a mi vida y le permiti mucha traición y maltrato psicológico, terminando en la misma situación, pero esta vez ya eran dos hijas.

No lo entedí hasta mucho tiempo desspués, y aprendí que si, que quererme es saber que quiero y cómo quiero se tratada, es enseñarle al otro lo mucho que valgo y lo que no puede hacer conmigo, porque si estoy segura de mi valor, y me amo, de esa manera me tratarán y si no lo quieren hacer simplemente se irán, y el corazón no resulta herido. El amor propio te permite ser feliz sola, y que tu felicidad no giré en torno a otra persona e inclusive tus hijos, porque ellos también son libres. Somos felices juntas pero es un amor en libertad, ya que alzaran el vuelo y yo me quedaré en el nido feliz por verles felices.

How nice it is to look back and remember the wise words that one day were given to us, and that listening to them or ignoring them has led us to a certain point in our lives, indistinctly, listening or not, when the time comes for the lesson to be learned, the advice comes to life and makes life in our lives, it becomes law, we find ourselves giving the same advice to those around us.

We do it because we want them to learn without making mistakes, seeing the result of the experience of others, but the stubbornness leads us to learn by trial and error.

In this sense, the advice I treasure is: "Love yourself, so that you can love yourself and be loved". By my Mother.

Self-love, for a long time in my life I saw myself in a gray color, sad for having failed in love and being a single mother, then someone came into my life and I allowed him a lot of betrayal and psychological abuse, ending up in the same situation, but this time there were already two daughters.

I did not understand it until a long time later, and I learned that yes, to love myself is to know what I want and how I want to be treated, is to teach the other how much I am worth and what they cannot do with me, because if I am sure of my value, and I love myself, that is how they will treat me and if they do not want to do it, they will simply leave, and my heart, your heat will not be hurt. Self-love allows you to be happy alone, and that your happiness does not revolve around someone else and even your children, because they are also free. We are happy together but it is a love in freedom, because they will take flight and you will stay in the nest happy to see them happy.

¿Si pudieras regresar en el tiempo y dar un mensaje a tú yo joven, cuál sería?

If you could go back in time and give your younger-self just one piece of advice what would it be?

Responder este será breve y sencillo: " Quién te quiere te lo demuestra, y lucha por tenerte"

Answering this one will be short and simple: " Whoever loves you proves it to you, and fights to have you"


"Love yourself, so that you can love yourself and be loved".
Wow... I don't know what to say. I live alone, but I have so much love for so many people! And you have your children whom you love most dearly!

Love when delivered comes back in bigger and better proportions, believe me.

Yeah, you can be sure you are well-loved back!

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Don't forget to attach a link to the post on the announcement article.

Hello, How are you??? The ink to the post contest its under the first image. Thank you for visit me. A hug.

Okay, @isgledysduarte!
Have a nice day!

I think I know how you feel, been there, the emotional pain felt greater than the physical. It is in the past and we know we are valued by our community, our friends, our family and most all ourselves.

Strength and love be within you @isgledysduarte

Yes exactly, pain is like that until you realize that you can go on and that being alone and happy with yourself is important, and as you say, there are people around us who love us.

Que hermoso es verdad uno no entiende muchos de los mensajes y enseñanzas que nos dan nuestros padres. Muy sabios en verdad @isgledysduarte

Sí ellos están para guiarnos y siempre querrán lo mejor. Y es bueno poder agradecerle en vida por tanto.