Ladies of Hive Community Contest #7: ¿Qué música se debe tocar en su funeral? / What music should be played at your funeral?

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)

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Imagen propiedad de @ladiesofhive

Bienvenidos a otro reto de esta comunidad para Nosotras, las chicas de Hive. Cada Semana nos plantean varias interrogantes a desarrollar, nosotras elegimos cual responder, o responderlas todas... Por acá el link si deseas unirte
(Contest #7)

Mientras tanto invito formalmente a @mariannewest a participar!

Welcome to another challenge of this community for us, the girls of Hive. Each week we are asked several questions to develop, we choose which one to answer, or answer them all ... Here is the link if you want to join: (Contest #7)

Meanwhile I formally invite @mariannewest to participate!

Mi funeral / My funeral

(Fuente Imagen)

El tema de la muerte es uno de los cuales no nos gusta hablar, particularmente a mi no, aunque sé que es lo único seguro que tenemos comos seres vivos.

Ninguno nos podemos escapar de ella, unos antes, otros después, pero es algo que llegará.

Sé que por estar un poco más fortalecida en mi fe, he aprendido a verla de otra manera, y aceptar nuestra insignificancia humana, ¿qué quiere decir esto? que la vida sigue conmigo o sin mi.

La vida es la preparación para aquella que nos aguarda luego de partir.

Y pensando en el día que me toque partir, el funeral no es para el muerto, es para los vivos, es para que sientan la oportunidad de decir adiós, sufrir la desaparicción fisica del ser amado.

The subject of death is one of which we do not like to talk, particularly I do not, although I know that it is the only sure thing that we have as living beings.

None of us can escape from it, some before, others after, but it is something that will come.

I know that by being a little stronger in my faith, I have learned to see it differently, and accept our human insignificance, what does this mean? that life goes on with or without me.

Life is the preparation for the one that awaits us after leaving.

And thinking about the day that I have to leave, the funeral is not for the dead, it is for the living, it is for them to feel the opportunity to say goodbye, to suffer the physical disappearance of their loved one.

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-13 at 8.29.35 AM.jpeg
Miranda y yo bailando

Solemos escuchar música religiosa, y oraciones. Generalmente las canciones son tristes y evocan un poco más el llanto, porque remueven las partes del corazón que están dolidas. Particularmente, durante mi funeral quisiera las oraciones y los cantos religiosos, que lloren todo lo necesario con la compañia de familias y amigos.

Y así cuando mis hijas tengan que regresar a casa, tristes con un sentimiento vacio, tengan menos lágrimas, y allí si les pediria que escucharan la música que yo escucho en casa y que entono desafinadamente jeje, por ejemplo si digo adiós a este vida en este momento: Fotografia de Juanes, Chistian Nodal Se me olvidó, Maluma todas, Salsa casino y bailar en toda la casa, Giovanny Ayala A chillar y Olga Tañon y así las que suelo escuchar, interpretar y bailar con ellas mientras, trabajo, limpio y cocino.... todo el día está el minicomponente encendido.

We usually listen to religious music, and prayers. Usually the songs are sad and evoke a little more crying, because they remove the parts of the heart that are hurt. Particularly, during my funeral I would like the prayers and the religious songs, that they cry all the necessary with the company of families and friends.

And so when my daughters have to return home, sad with an empty feeling, they have fewer tears, and there if I would ask them to listen to the music that I listen to at home and that I sing out of tune hehe, for example if I say goodbye to this life in this moment: Photography by Juanes, Chistian Nodal I forgot, Maluma all, Salsa casino and dancing throughout the house, Giovanny Ayala A chillar and Olga Tañon and so I usually listen, interpret and dance with them while, I work, clean and I cook ... the minicomponent is on all day.


The funeral is not for the dead, it is for the living... that is one way of looking at it.
Good luck with the contest!

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Thank you for joining the blog and choosing the music for my funeral I love that you included the children good luck in the contest