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RE: That Thing of Beauty

One year when my niece Miranda was young, she wanted to come to my house and help give out candy because we had SO many goblins coming for candy or pencils or whatever we were giving out that year. I happily agreed. When she got there before we started, she had brought some fat chalk and the first thing she wanted to do was way down my porch in a funny "fallen" position and have me outline her in chalk like they did at crime scenes so the kids would have to walk over it to get to the door. So of course that's what I did !!



Hahaha!!! We did that on the street!!!! Actually, one of the CIA guys did it. Talk about hilarious. Did you have any kids that hesitated??

We did. I am going to miss it this year. I really am. Don't you miss going to work at all? I mean, telecommuting is fun, but, the interaction? Online is fun, but, not the same. Although, it is fun, don't get me wrong. And when I get old and granny-like, I will still be online. LOL