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RE: Plans and changes 2024 | LOH - 168 |

in Ladies of Hive5 months ago

2024 is year of a vote in many countries, I keep telling the tellers in shops younger generation, don't be lazy, go use your vote. Something we fought for over many years, yet here similar conditions the older generation know what they had, very disgusted with the way things have become.

Wishing you and your nation a better outcome, as I do our own!



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Yes, many times it is a mistake on the part of parents for not pressuring youth to become more involved in politics that ultimately affectsis society. We'll see how we get out of this quagmire. Thanks for the support. @joanstewart a hug

Muchas veces es error de los padres por no presionar a la juventud a involucrarse más en lo político que afecta lo social a la final. Veremos como salimos de este atolladero. Muchas gracias por el apoyo.Un abrazo

Many of our people need to be educated about elections, how it works, they accept a T-shirt and packet of KFC chicken and vote the same people in again!

That is true, the masses are moved by hunger, although here they do not give a package of chicken but of flour, pasta, they still buy the conscience of the people. Thank you very much for the comment and support. A hug @joanstewart

Eso es verdad las masas se mueven por el hambre, aunque aquí no dan paquete de pollo sino de harina, pasta igual compran la conciencia del pueblo. Muchas gracias por el comentario y apoyo.

Enjoy watching newly elected in Argentina have started clearing bad element out, let us hope they carry on, it will show other third world countries how it is done!