Together We Rise: Celebrating Achievements and Embracing Challenges for Both Genders

in Ladies of Hive25 days ago

Historically, men were seen to be dominating society in all systems such as politics, business, science, religion, or culture, while women were denied this opportunity; rather, they were seen as domestic workers who served in household activities like cleaning dishes, laundries, etc. in some regions, the women were tortured to an extent that were deprived of educational and professional advancements. Today, as the world keeps evolving and civilization is embraced, women are seen to be important in contributing to societal growth which is why this modern age is advantageous to the women at default. Irrespective of the recent privileges offered to women, it does not negate my desire to embrace the challenges associated with being male, valuing the strength and recognition that can come from overcoming challenges as a man.

However, the essence of this article is to appreciate the women who come out to be heard in a man-ruling world by partaking in works that people felt were meant for only men.


Geoinformatics and Surveying

In my field of studies – Geoinformatics and surveying, women are offered preferential treatment with the intention to encourage more of its kind to embrace surveying; this is why an organization called “Women in Survey” emerged. Also, a quota of survey jobs is often assigned to them because in the real world, men gain more survey job opportunities and some clients feel skeptical about giving a woman a survey-related job because of how rigorous it looks (feeling the job may be erroneous since a woman is involved). Surveying has some composite like engineering, building, etc and women tend to embrace the profession too which is an applause to the society.

Tech-related professions

Similarly, women are seen in the technology world in recent times such as data analysis, web development, cyber security, graphic design, android development, UI/UX design, etc and they are competing with other genders to stand out. Just like surveying, they are well-known as “Women in tech”; this organization has grown to onboard more women by organizing conferences, seminars, free training, outreaches, etc

Wives of professional organization

In Nigeria, we have several organization that relates to recognizing the wives of men in prestigious organizations, just to mention a few, we have the Wives of Surveyors organization, wives of estate surveyors, wives of soldiers, wives of governors, etc the essence is to let them know their value in the society and appreciate them because they contribute in making the men who they are.


It may appear that women's lives are easier in some aspects as listed in the above points, but it is essential to recognize that this perception is influenced by some factors. It is worthwhile when both genders are appreciated because both face unique challenges and opportunities.

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Inleo is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH, and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: Inleo allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency reward

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we live in a world where women want to be heard now and regardless of any shortcoming presumably attached to the gender, some women have risen and done exceptional well in some aspect compared to a male counterpart.

I'm glad that you equally recognize this aspect


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It is worthwhile when both genders are appreciated because both face unique challenges and opportunities.

That's what I believe. There shouldn't be a gender war of gaining superiority or proving inferiority. Instead both the genders should be respectful and appreciative of each other.