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RE: Contest #61 @Ladiesofhive My 3 Wishes. || [ENG-ESP]

Hello @sabrip. Thank you so much for participating in the Ladies of Hive weekly contest. You indicate your entry is for Contest #61. I just wanted to let you know that this particular contest has already expired. We're now in Contest #62 for this week. Each week, the contest has its own expiration date.

You're still free to participate in any of the week's topics. That being said, I like your three wishes for 2022. I was sorry to hear you lost your job during the pandemic. This virus has placed a hardship on many families. Especially when they have dreams they want to see take place.

I hope your dream of a new home can be realized in the coming year and that you find employment again.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic. Take care, and have a good rest of your holiday.


Hello, thank you very much for your words and for your suggestion, I will be much more aware.