Attention To Leo-dex Finance Market

Hello members of hive, I hope everyone is doing fine today.

I would like to call attention to Leo-dex finance market and the use of tags. I’m pretty sure most people know about it but for those who don’t know about leodex I will give an explanation.


Leo-dex is finance market owned by leo-finance. Its a place which provides liquidity to various tokens accumulated from the use of tags such as ctp, neoxag, LEO, swap.hive, LOH e.t.c

I would like to talk about swap.hive and LOH tokens traded at leo-dex.

Swap.hive is a token similar to hive. I use it basically for hive power up day. To convert some of my assets to hive which can enable me to partake in hive power up day. You can convert your POB asset to swap.hive and also make a withdrawal which reflects on your hive wallet immediately.

LOH on the other hand is an asset given as a result of posting in the ladies of hive community. Its price is positively related to the price of hive. This means as the price of hive increases the value of LOH asset increase as well.

Other assets are POB usually gotten using the proof of brain tag and neoxag which is obtained from the use of neoxian tags.

One of the logic behind the use of tags, it is advisable to use tags which are related to your blog post. In this article take a sample of the type of tags I will use. If I’m writing about crypto market, one of the tags I will use first is the community tags before the following crypto, market, leodex, leo.

The following are reasons why the popular leodex market may not seem to work as at the time of writing this post 30/11/2022



As new users keeps trooping into the system, there is urgent need for maintenance so as to have render effective service for users.

In my own opinion, I wouldn’t term it a crash or whatever, I think sometimes ago @ecency also went through maintenance process and it calls for their service to be slow in response. Whenever there is such a condition it is expected that users don’t panick because maintenance activities are ongoing to solve for the down time.


Another important reason for the down of market offtime could be as a result of upgrade in the system; this quite differs from the first point because update is required for digital systems such as web3.

This is to enable the managing team perform better on the kind of services been rendered to their users. I think this will be for the betterment of the entire leofinance system and that of hive as well.

In summary, it has been pointed out how one of the popular crypto market under the hive blockchain (Leodex) is on maintenance. This is to enable the managing team work towards providing an efficient marketing system for leofinance as a whole.

I think after the upgrade, efficiency of the system will be increased for the better.


Thanks for the information on the use of tags . Then, for any marketing system to be on maintenance is for the betterment of their users.

Thanks for the time reading, I hope so.

You 're most welcome

Hy friends, Leo-dex is back now

Thanks much for reading, do have a lovely day.