My first hosting Experience

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

We all have our first-time experiences; I'm curious what went through your mind the first time you leapt from a cliff. What did you feel when you first got your tattoo? Got your first boyfriend? First date? I bet you are nervous, excited, giddy, feverish, maybe nauseous? Or maybe you are feeling a little bit of everything?

Hello Ladies of Hive! How are you all doing? It's been a while since I last posted. I hope you are all doing fantastic. I have been doing my best to take care of myself. I traveled to places where I felt comfortable and ate a lot of good food. Today, allow me to share with you all my first-time experience of hosting a Facebook Live that happened last Saturday and my thoughts about it.


Two weeks ago, I jumped at the chance to be a "moderator slash host" when our Digital Marketing Team approached me with the offer. This year, my ambition is to try things I've never done before. Life is far too short for me to have so many regrets. I want to live my life as it should be lived. I don’t want to be someone who has a lot of “what-ifs” in life. As much as possible, I want to experience all things wonderful and exciting in life.


The Digital Team sent me the script a week before the event to familiarize myself with the flow. To be honest, the script wasn't all that complicated, and it was a little short, given that it was just going to be an hour long. Days before the occasion, I was already nervous, but as the day approaches and the event is drawing near, my sentiments shifted from anxious to enthusiastic. Even I couldn't believe that I, Klaire, who is terrified of new experiences, was looking forward to moderating and hosting an event. What's going on here? Something is shifting within me.


When the event day arrived, we traveled to the location where the event would be held. We arrived 3 hours prior to the event to set up the entire area. I did my own make-up as well, but I didn't photograph it because I wasn't happy with the outcome, which was fortunate because we had to wear a face mask the entire time. The event was all about a bento-making workshop and we are working on food so we had to be careful.




It just took ten seconds of the timer for me to mix up my script, but I managed to get through it, thank goodness. Because I am not used to the lights and camera pointing completely toward me, the first five minutes of the Live event were nerve-wracking.


As time passes, I believe I've slightly mastered the art of hosting. But I would not have been able to get through this without the encouragement from our Digital Marketing Team, who nodded and gave me a thumbs up. They must have sensed my uneasiness when there were dead airs since but they still managed to get me to speak.


I'll admit that I enjoy speaking. My job necessitates that I speak. I've planned and conducted training events for several of the company's personnel. I've worked with both internal and external clients, I was able to respond to their requests and questions through email and telephone calls. In a nutshell, I'm a talker.


Although, it can be a negative trait for me because I sometimes can't control my mouth and say things that are hurtful to the person with whom I'm conversing or say foolish and stupid words. Recently, I've been working on controlling my mouth so that I don't speak too much or say things that are not asked for.


Overall, this was an eye-opening experience for me. I've realized how much I enjoy talking endlessly. Some members of the team even praised me for how long I can talk nonstop without getting exhausted.

So, what are my thoughts on the subject??


I, myself, have always been afraid of change or the idea of “new”. It sounds tedious, tiring, long process, and scary. I have never really imagined it to be exciting, exhilarating, and delightful. I once read a book about going out of your comfort zone, I forgot the title of the book. But it says that one must get out of their sanctuary and safe place for them to find out their inner potential. You can never break free from the mainstream if you hide from your cave.

What I’m saying is, it’s fine to be terrified of doing something that is new to you but don’t let the idea of failure keep you from trying. In life, we don’t fail. We either win or learn and there’s nothing in between. So if you want to do anything new, GO FOR IT!


Visit this link to see how I did as a first-time host for a Facebook Live event, and let me know what you think in the comments. I'd appreciate your feedback and recommendations. ^^

Thank you for reading my blog! If you want to know more about me, connect with me through my Instagram and Twitter.

119631619_4375785822493636_3513650368398321754_n.jpgKlaire is an adventurous woman who loves to sing, dance, and imagine scenarios that she would like to happen in real life. Call me crazy but I love and live for unplanned moments. I believe that I can capture more raw and real moments by not planning. I am a firm believer that you can make things possible if you put your mind and heart to it. If this blog made you proud and smile a little, an upvote would be appreciated. Stay awesome, human! 💛
Lots of love from me 💚

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I think this post is for me ... I've been undecided trying some new things but you're right, we need to break forth if we'd make it far.

Your hidden-self comes to light (pun intended) and this new path may definitely lead to something bigger...

Hopefully, you'll have the courage to try new things this year. Thanks for dropping by, @deraaa 😊

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Congrats miss klaire. To more firsts with VFI 💕🎉

Interesting experience!
Seems fun!!!!
Thanks for sharing, @justklaire.

You're welcome, @silversaver888. Thanks for dropping by!

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what a wonderful experience, many years ago I hosted a radio program and I liked it a lot because it was only my voice that they could appreciate, making a camera broadcast scares me a lot, I feel that you are a successful woman because you face your nerves and you live your life focused on having new experiences. Thank you for sharing I wish you success 😊

Such beautiful words, @irenenavarroart. I also wish you success. Thank you so much for dropping by! 😊