The Ladies of Hive community Contest #3 🎭 Concurso #3 de la Comunidad Ladies of Hive

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago
Hello ladies hive and best allies, @kerrislravenhil I am very excited by the receptivity that had in our space Community: Ladies of Hive, my post entitled "October of Halloween in Pandemic". I am very satisfied with the enthusiasm that it awoke and it is that the feminine nature is loaded with motivation and good humor, in spite of the adversities we maintain a smile in our day to day and we transmit it to our family and friends. In conclusion we are the best. A bravo🙌 for the happily empowered woman.


Hola damas hive y mejores aliadas, @kerrislravenhil estoy muy ilusionada por la receptividad que tuvo en nuestro espacio Community: Ladies of Hive, mi post titulado "Octubre de Halloween en Pandemia". Estoy muy satisfecha por el entusiasmo que despertó y es que la naturaleza femenina esta cargada de motivación y buen humor, a pesar de las adversidades mantenemos una sonrisa en nuestro día a día y la transmitimos a nuestra familia y amigos. En conclusión somos lo máximo. Un bravo 🙌 por la mujer felizmente empoderada.

My Kitten Mask 😻Mi Mascara de Gatita 😻


On this occasion I want to share a kitten mask made by me because I love crafts, since I was a teenager I make my own clothes and when it comes to disguise, no way. This wonderful sale called Hive allows me from my home to share and show you all my ideas, clothes and crafts.

A mask tells us more than a face.

Oscar Wilde, writer, poet and playwright, Dublin Ireland - Paris France

Old age is a mask: if you take it off, you discover the childish face of the soul.

José Bergamín, playwright, Madrid Spain - San Sebastián Spain

The poem, that strange mask truer than one's own face.

Mario Quintana, poet, Bra


My space of devotion | Mi espacio de devoción


The place I prefer in my house is the one in this photograph, as my dear friends can see, it is a little house that is located in my garden and inside it we place a figure of the Virgin of the Chiquinquirá, affectionately known as the Virgin of the Chinita, is a piece of polyresin with plaster.

My mom feels a great devotion and love for Chinita !, I grew up with that devotion and my feeling for the Virgin Chinita is exactly the same as my mom professes. Every day we sit in front of the little house and pray the rosary to Mother Mary, under the dedication of the Virgin of La Chiquinquirá, asking her for all our loved ones and for the whole world, especially in these moments that we all live under the threatens to infect us with Covid-19.

On November 18, our Tierra del Sol Amada fills with joy to celebrate with devotion and love the day of its patron saint, Chinita, Virgin Morena, María del Rosario de Chiquinquirá.


El lugar que prefiero en mi casa es el de esta fotografía, como pueden observar mis queridos amigos, es una casita que está ubicada en mi jardín y dentro de ella colocamos una figura de la Virgen de la Chiquinquirá, conocida cariñosamente como la Virgen de la Chinita, es una pieza de poliresina con yeso.

Mi mamá siente una gran ¡Devoción y amor por la Chinita!, crecí con esa devoción y mi sentir por la Virgen Chinita es exactamente el mismo que le profesa mi mamá. Todos los días nos sentamos frente a la casita y le rezamos el rosario a mamá María, bajo la advocación de la Virgen de la Chiquinquirá, pidiéndole por todos nuestros seres queridos y por el mundo entero, sobre todos en estos momentos que todos vivimos bajo la amenaza de contagiarnos de Covid-19.

El 18 de noviembre, nuestra Tierra del Sol Amada se llena de júbilo para celebrar con devoción y amor el día de su patrona, la Chinita, la Virgen Morena, María del Rosario de Chiquinquirá.



Suggestions for fun at Pandemic Halloween 👻Sugerencias para divertirnos en Halloween de Pandemia

As I told you in my posts about Halloween, we can have a lot of fun, I remind you how:

Como les comenté en mis post sobre Halloween, podemos divertimos en grande, les recuerdo como:

Halloween Makeup | Maquillaje de Halloween


Uñas decoradas con motivos de Halloween


Source- Fuente
Pumpkin carving and home decorating, outdoor treasure hunts, virtual costume contests and Halloween movie nights. If you have children, I suggest a scavenger hunt where children are given lists of Halloween-themed things to look for.

Tallar calabazas y decorar el hogar, búsquedas del tesoro al aire libre, concursos de disfraces virtuales y organizar noches de cine de Halloween .
Si tienen niños les sugiero hacer una búsqueda del tesoro donde los niños reciben listas de cosas con temas de Halloween para buscar.


Source- Fuente

Source- Fuente


By @karinanunez


Bitmoji-Mi emoji personal-

Welcome to my blog. Thank you for visiting me, I hope you liked it. :)
Bienvenido a mi blog. Gracias por visitarme, espero que les haya gustado. :)


How cool!
It's a pleasure knowing you! 'Welcome to the Ladies of Hive and good luck with the contest!

The pleasure is mine. Thank you for receiving me with such good vibes.^_~

I wish I had the time to do some finer nail polish work for my Halloween hands but it can't last because I work full time as a nurse so I constantly wash my hands.
Thank you for your entry, and good luck 💀🧛‍♀️🧟‍♀️👻

Posted using Dapplr

I understand you dear @kerrislravenhill, but when you are on vacation take advantage and paint your nails. Thank you for your good wishes. Virtual hug.👻💅 🌚

You are welcome, my 3 week Vacation isn't long enough to let them grow long as I like anyway. 💅
Sent you a Honorable mention prize of 1.25 Hive in lieu of $0.20 BTC Discord tip since you are not on the Ladies of Hive Discord server.

I love that first photo! I can't stop looking at it! The mask with the dragon is awesome, and your eyes are so incredibly beautiful...! 😍

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening