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RE: LOH Community Contest #180: A perfect Saturday

in Ladies of Hive11 months ago

It is everything about this post. From the introduction to its conclusion. I feel the same way about the community. We are a tribe that is happily sharing.

I have a year old son and this is exactly the way I'm grooming him to be. Your bond with your son is amazing. You are raising a great one.

And your toy house. Oh my gosh, I felt nostalgia too. It is amazing how much talent you had. I believe you still have it in you. Don't let it go. At least in your spare time.

Great post. I hope you win.


Wow, what a beautiful message, so motivating! Thousands of thanks, you crumpled my heart.... 💙💙

I try to make my son happy and not miss the paternal absence so much.

People say that to remember is to live and keeping my little toy house and taking it out of the junk room, dusting it off and doing again everything I did as a child, filled me with nostalgia.

Drawing was also part of my childhood and although I still like to draw, the truth is that I don't have time for this, there is so much to do...! But the few times I have drawn in the present, it fills me with peace.

Thank you my girl, I leave you a big hug 🌼💖.