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RE: Two People Who Helped Set Me Free From My Personal Hell (LOH 186)

An amazing personal testimonial, and the moments that the Holy Spirit guided you in your spiritual walk in little ways but profound steps over the last few years. I even read the other links, I like context. The Bible should always be read in context rather than be cherry picked. Yes. the Protestant Bibles are different from the Catholic Bible , I've done some Manuscript and Textural Criticism studies in the past and I tend to be more on the Protestant scholarship but both agree on the fundamentals; God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Jesus the Son of God is the perfect sacrifice for my sins as a free gift of salvation, and that I/we are saved by FAITH and not by works.
God Bless you @artgirl Seyla, peace be with you.


Glad you took the time to read my other posts as well. 😁 For Catholics we believe that believers are saved not just by faith alone but by works too. Jesus does not like Pharisees, He prefers workers in His field as well. Anyway the most important to Him is how much we love God and our fellowmen.

Appreciate your comment and God bless us in our spiritual journey. ☺️ !LUV