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I hope you would be able to find that accessible and spacious paradise to make your home. Wheelchair access does tend to rule out many options so I can understand that as a challenge in itself. I've spent most of my career providing Nursing care to many patients living in their homes.


Hello, how nice to find someone who knows a little about this world of disabilities, if there are few options and where I live there are stairs for everything and reforming is super expensive and complicated, that's why I ask God a lot for a 100% house to be able to live more comfortably thanks for commenting successes for you too :D.

Not just stairs but bathroom space for the wheelchair as well as room for a lift system at least.
I've seen great projects that accommodate Wheelchair people but they are so few and far between. I've worked at a housing project that housed quadriplegics where many amenities are operated by electronic interfaces like voice control. Calling elevators, operate auto doors, call bell system, operate music systems, computers and TV, operate and dial the phone system, with a backup generator power system, etc.

Wow what you write to me sounds pretty good, and real, that's all, I almost never leave my house, because I live on a hill and it's difficult, but I hope and I'm fighting for everything to be better.
I'll make it I don't know, only God knows that, thanks for telling me: D