Summoner's Week: Skargore

in Ladies of Hive3 months ago (edited)

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The tips and possible advises in this article are designed for Champion League, in which I am in right now.

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I like these challenges because it makes me go out of my comfort zone to try new monsters and summoners. A lot of times, I actually see some good cards and incorporate them to my build afterwards.

In this one, I am actually thinking of buying and testing Skargore since I find him quite strong. When combined with Grum Flameblade, their synergies explode and can actually dominate the opponents.

While this build might be too expensive to rent, it's still the best Fire Splinter build I've made so far for Modern Format.

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Despite being an Epic summoner, he only have 4 mana cost which is good. I really think he's actually stronger than Tarsa since he only doesn't get a damage increased but also Speed which is important for Melee monsters to avoid missing their attacks.



Enrage: [Stat Modifier] While this monster is damaged, increase its melee damage and speed by 50%.

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  1. Low Mana Cost. Having low mana cost means you can use the excess to getting high mana cost monsters which also has higher stats.
  2. Enrage also increases Speed. Like I said, speed is important to Melee monsters. Monsters with high damage is still useless if their attacks would miss 90% of the time.
  3. Can give huge boosts of damage depending on the monsters. Unlike Tarsa, Skargore gives bonus relative to the current monster's stats. The higher the max stats of the monsters, the higher boost he gives since it's 50% of the stats and not a base increase.


  1. Melee Reliant.
    Since Enrage only increases the Speed and a melee monster's damage, focusing on other damage types are a waste. It doesn't mean you can't, it's just a big waste.
  2. Ability is very tricky to use.
    Enrage activates when the monster is damaged. This means if your monster is at full health, this ability does not have any effect. In addition to that, if you use Tank Heal or any restoration and your monster gets restored to full health, the Enrage ability also loses effect making the just amount of damage as a prerequisite for using this ability.
  3. Expensive to rent.
    Just like other max level summoners, he's quite expensive to rent around 60 DEC per day. But that's not actually the problem but your monsters. You require mostly max level monsters as well to make it strong since the higher the monster's health, the higher chance you can activate the ability before dying.

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Rules of Combat
All monsters do double damage to opponent's monster that has Taunt ability: Increases damage further
Equal Opportunity
All monsters on the board gains the Opportunity ability that changes the targetting mechanics to "Opponent's Monster with the least health.": Can redirect attack to your other monsters until you boost your carry enough.
The Max Health of all monsters on the board will be equal to the Max Health of the monster with the highest max health: Increases Health of team while giving damage to team through enrage

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Rules of Combat
What Doesn't Kill You
All monsters on the board gains the Enrage ability that increases the monster's melee damage and speed by 50%:
Everyone already has Enrage
Tis But Scratches
All monsters on the board gains the Cripple ability that reduces the opponent's max health by 1 when their attacks hit:
Depending on your opponent's build, they may reduce your health while not activating the Enrage
Lost Magic
During this battle, monsters with magic damage are not allowed:
Increases damage further

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Grum Flameblade
Probably the strongest monster for Fire Splinter. His high health is very much appreciated for the activation of the Enrage. His Bloodlust can also be scary if it can't be eliminated early. The Speed and Damage will creep up in relationship to Enrage after a few kills.
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Coeurl Lurker
I remember a watching a youtube combo before for Coeurl Lurker and Skargore. It wasn't as strong as I hoped since you need at least Silver to pull off the strat. But since the limits are now removed, it's a good time to try it.
Junker is not something I normally use but since both the high damage and high health, I think he's also a good candidate for Skargore's Enrage ability.

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Photo is from my Peakmonsters Account.

I made this build based on Grum Flameblade. The main point of this build is for Grum Flameblade to hyper carry the game. Hyper carry is a MOBA term in which you use one character to win the whole game. In this context, I have to increase Grum Flameblade's Speed in order to avoid missing his attacks and then let him win the game for at the later part of the game.

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Has very good synergy with Grum Flameblade's Bloodlust ability.

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Grum Flameblade

The hyper carry for this game. The Giant Killer ability is also the reason why I won this game against my opponent.

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Clockwork Aide

I needed the extra speed from Swiftness so I added him.

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Supply Runner

He has Swiftness and has also extra 2 damage.

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Flame Mephit

I have an extra 2 mana so I added her. I was hoping the Flying ability would allow me to dodge some Sneak attacks.

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Countess Sinash

Her main purpose is the Swiftness but the other abilities are very good as well. As long as you get a level 2, she's good.

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This was a bit close to be honest. If the opponent also used a max level Grum Flameblade, I might've lost this game. Giant Killer ability helped me a lot in this, and actually, future games.

> > Click here to view the full battle < <

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This was actually a tricky and expensive build to run since you need two legendaries. You need at least level 2 Countess Sinash for the Swiftness. The other monsters also doesn't complement Skargore' ability making it a bit of a waste.

Actually, I had a feeling that if my opponent also had a max level Grum Flameblade, I had a feeling I might've lost this battle as well making this build quite risky as well as exciting.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos.
  • Some of the fonts used are from

If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

If you're interested in playing the game, support me by registering using my referral link here

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