My Introduction to Ecency

in Ladies of Hivelast year

Hello dear people of ecency. I hope you all are doing well and enjoying the reading and commenting on the post of other people. So, dear people I am new user on ecency and I came here with the Recommendation of my friend @tahastories1 who is already working on this platform and he really motivated me to join this platform.

My blogging career
I am not very good with blogging but I am really trying hard to carry on my career in blogging before joining ecency I was working on read cash but that platform was not running good. So after so much De motivation I came on this platform with high hope and expectations.
My hobbies
I thought that it is my first so I should talk about my hobbies so let me explain my hobbies I am gardening lover and i love to read books. I am really passionate to learn different language is I have learnt Japanese and now I am learning German language I think learning new languages is important because it gives you a new prospective and it broadens your mind level. Beside this, i already know four languages.
I am an introvert girl and i am a student. I joined this platform to become self sufficient and to improve my blogging skills. I hope all ladies will welcome me.


Welcome @laila1, to Ladies of Hive! I hope to see more from you and will enjoy your journey! Take care and have a lovely day! !LADY

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Thanks for welcoming me here i hope you will like my posts.

You are most welcome! Take care and enjoy!

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Yes sure i will assist to hodl LOH for as long as i could thanks.

In the beginning, I wasn't a very good blogger either.
Welcome to @laila1 and I wish you much success as you begin your writing journey with us.
It will take time and practice, at the same time you will discover that Hive is more than just blogging but the foundation for a variety of opportunities to build your friendships and capital.

Thanks for commenting and guiding i will like to be patience and hope for good

Welcome dear on ecency
