You're in my Long term memory [LOH 158]

in Ladies of Hive7 months ago

Hello everyone!!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😊

Dear diary!

Life has been busy these days that I didn't get much time to write here as I also started to write on my note pad and than save it in my mobile but still I've you to write something.

Image by LaterJay Photography from Pixabay

2 November 2023!

Time is flying and we can't imagine that how speedily it's pass out and we almost cross the decades of our life. You know there's some one very special in my life and she's my grandma. I always feel jealous when I see others grandma love them and take care of them. I know being jealous isn't a good thing but it's not in my control.

Today is the day when i lost my Grandma and she left us, died and her soul is rest in peace. I was in 4th grade when she died but still I remember some scene from the day which i can't forget. That was a terrible day, i was innocent little girl at that time but still i can't forget that day. I remember how my Dad weeping at that day, i remember how my Dad feeling that day, he was hopeless, he lost his whole world.

I was innocent enough that I was happy because i got a holiday from school but when I see my dad was weeping , i start to crying and asked dad why are you weeping 🥺 and he can't say anything in reply.

Image by LoriKelso from Pixabay

Today's generation!

Today generation is so fast that on the death place they don't feel happiness but still i see some children's who love to play, maybe children's are always innocent. And i was also a child at that time.

I wish you're here!

When my Dad tell me about his promotion in job, or any other success in his life, i always wish that may Grandma is here today and she'll be happy to see you as a successful person but I never say something like that to my father. But i know you see him from heaven and feel happy for him too.
Whenever I achieve something in life or on my special day's of my life, i wish you're here between us to see this and feel happy but God's will is better for us.

Death is certainly thing and every living thing has to be died, but now with the passing of every year I can feel the pain which dad felt. You know grandma in some previous day's, dad was worried about something and he clearly say i wish I can say about it to my mother and I'll visit to her graveyard.

Still Miss you!

You're in my long term memory, i still remember those Days when you love me, i keep your passport size picture in my wallet and every time i opened the wallet i see your picture, I didn't spent much time with you but you're in my heart and i miss you each day.

Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay

You know that i love you 🥺❤️

Ending thoughts!

It's enough for today but today all those scene from your funereal comes in front of my eyes just like illusion.

  • That's all for today and it's also my entry for this week LOH contest # 158

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍


Death is inviteable and nobody can't ignore it. I think I am lucky in this case because my grandmother are still alive.
I can understand the feeling of you but it's reality and some reality is very harsh to accept 🥺.

Yes you're lucky who got the love of Grandma as their love is infinite just like parents 💞

Yay! 🤗
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Your post reminded me of my grandfather's death. I was in 10th standard and that was first time, I witnessed death in my own home. I always always miss my grandfather. I had a strong connection with him.
So sorry for your loss.

Yes we know the reality of death when we lose our closest 😕 I'm sorry for you grandfather death


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I loved the entry , also a memorial to your loved one
Did you know memorial forest on hive to get them on the blockchain to be never forgotten

Thank you for opening up your diary to me.
Good luck and see you in the comments

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Thank you for liking my entry, but really I don't know about the memorial forest on hive but i know we can't forget our loved ones but death is necessary thing 😕

At the community list it’s a community run by @beeber called #hivememorialforest

Okay thank you I'll check it 😃