[ESP-ENG] Ladies of Hive Community Contest #9

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Saludos a todas las grandes mujeres de #Hive, les envio hoy 28 de noviembre un fuerte abrazo, hoy me uno a esta comunidad para participar en el Concurso #9, y así responder de que esta agradecida @leudiscar.

Greetings to all the great women of #Hive, I send you a big hug today, today I join this community to participate in Contest # 9, and thus respond that @leudiscar is grateful.

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Mi participación en: De qué estas agradecida? / My participation in: What are you grateful for?

Yo Leudis del Carmen estoy agradecida a mi madre santa por traerme al mundo y colmarme de amor, nunca dejare de amar a mi madre, ella es mi ángel de la guarda y quien me enseño a disfrutar de la vida, a vivir alegre y vivir sonriendo.

I, Leudis del Carmen, am grateful to my holy mother for bringing me into the world and filling me with love, I will never stop loving my mother, she is my guardian angel and the one who taught me to enjoy life, to live happily and to live smiling .

mi madre.jpg

Agradezco por mi familia, mis hermanos, mis sobrinos y amigos, creo y siento que conviviencia es la que nos hace escribir el libro de la vida y hacer nuestra historia.

I am grateful for my family, my brothers, my nephews and friends, I believe and feel that coexistence is what makes us write the book of life and make our history.


Agradeco poder escribir mi propia historia con libertad y con alegria, valoro cada segundo que respiro y me gusta sembrar amor en cada paso que doy.

I am grateful for being able to write my own story with freedom and joy, I value every second that I breathe and I like to sow love in every step I take.


A pesar de que no he formado mi propia familia, me siento afortunada de todas mis viviencias, de los amores que he vivido y agradezco a Dios por mi destino, me encantan los niños, pero si Dios no lo ha permitido, confio en su sabiduria, por eso disfruto de todo niño a mi alrededor en especial de mi ahijada Gema, que perdio a su madre desde que era una bebe de meses, ella es como mi hija, y sera siempre mi hija de corazón.

Although I have not formed my own family, I feel fortunate for all my experiences, for the loves that I have lived and I thank God for my destiny, I love children, but if God has not allowed it, I trust their wisdom. That's why I enjoy every child around me, especially my goddaughter Gema, who lost her mother since she was a baby of months, she is like my daughter, and she will always be my daughter at heart.



The joy of a family that loves you!

Good luck with the contest!

Making the most of all moments is some of the things we should be most thankful for. Thanks for sharing.

Thank God for Family, Currently I cannot visit my sick Mother who is living in a Retirement Community and is under Covid19 Lockdown. You are blessed to still able to hold your Mother.

Thank you for Sharing @leudiscar 🌹