[ESP-ING] ¿Por qué es difícil crear conexiones reales? / Why is it difficult to create real connections? Contest #123

in Ladies of Hivelast year (edited)


Me complace unirme al reto de esta semana y compartir mi opinión sobre dos temas diferentes pero importantes: la soledad y la moda. Es común que las personas se sientan solas en algún momento de sus vidas, incluso en un mundo cada vez más conectado en línea. A menudo, esto se debe a una falta de habilidades sociales, cambios importantes en la vida o expectativas poco realistas sobre lo que significa hacer conexiones reales. Sin embargo, es importante que nos esforcemos por conectarnos con otros de manera auténtica y genuina para superar estos desafíos y tener relaciones significativas en nuestras vidas.


Hay varias razones por las cuales las personas pueden sentirse solas y encontrar difícil hacer conexiones reales:

🔎Cambios en la sociedad: Los cambios en la sociedad, como el aumento de la tecnología y las redes sociales, han cambiado la forma en que interactuamos con los demás. Aunque estas tecnologías pueden hacernos sentir más conectados en línea, también pueden hacer que nos sintamos más aislados en la vida real.

🔎Falta de habilidades sociales: Algunas personas pueden tener dificultades para interactuar con los demás debido a la falta de habilidades sociales. Esto puede deberse a una variedad de factores, como la timidez, la ansiedad social o la falta de experiencia social.

🔎Cambios en la vida: Los cambios importantes en la vida, como mudarse a un lugar nuevo, perder a un ser querido o terminar una relación, pueden hacer que las personas se sientan solas y desconectadas.

🔎Estereotipos y prejuicios: Los estereotipos y prejuicios pueden hacer que las personas se sientan excluidas o marginadas. Esto puede ser especialmente difícil para las personas que pertenecen a grupos marginados o minoritarios.

🔎Expectativas poco realistas: A veces, las personas tienen expectativas poco realistas sobre lo que significa hacer conexiones reales. Pueden esperar que la conexión sea inmediata y profunda, lo cual puede no ser realista o sostenible.

Para superar estos desafíos, es importante que las personas desarrollen habilidades sociales, sean abiertas y honestas acerca de sus necesidades y expectativas, y se esfuercen por conectarse con otros de manera auténtica y genuina. Además, es importante que la sociedad trabaje para superar los estereotipos y prejuicios, y fomente una cultura de inclusión y conexión humana real.


¿Cuál es la tendencia de moda reciente más tonta?


La moda es una industria diversa y en constante evolución, lo que puede significar que lo que alguien considera una tendencia de moda tonta podría ser visto como una expresión creativa por otros. En última instancia, las tendencias de moda son una cuestión de gusto personal y preferencia individual, y lo que puede parecer tonto o ridículo para alguien puede ser considerado atractivo o interesante para otro.

La moda es un fenómeno complejo que puede tener tanto aspectos positivos como negativos, y es importante ser conscientes de ambos para tener una comprensión completa del papel de la moda en nuestra sociedad.

Portada diseñada en Canva.
Separadores elaborados en PowerPoint.



I'm excited to join this week's challenge and share my thoughts on two different but important topics: loneliness and fashion. It's common for people to feel lonely at some point in their lives, even in an increasingly online world. Often this is due to a lack of social skills, major life changes, or unrealistic expectations about what it means to make real connections. However, it is important that we strive to connect with others in authentic and genuine ways in order to overcome these challenges and have meaningful relationships in our lives.


There are several reasons why people can feel lonely and find it difficult to make real connections:

🔎Society Changes: Changes in society, such as the rise of technology and social media, have changed the way we interact with others. While these technologies can make us feel more connected online, they can also make us feel more isolated in real life.

🔎Lack of Social Skills: Some people may have difficulty interacting with others due to a lack of social skills. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as shyness, social anxiety, or a lack of social experience.

🔎Life Changes: Major life changes, such as moving to a new place, losing a loved one, or ending a relationship, can leave people feeling lonely and disconnected.

🔎Stereotypes and prejudices: Stereotypes and prejudices can make people feel excluded or marginalized. This can be especially difficult for people who belong to marginalized or minority groups.

🔎Unrealistic Expectations: Sometimes people have unrealistic expectations about what it means to make real connections. They may expect the connection to be immediate and deep, which may not be realistic or sustainable.

To overcome these challenges, it is important that people develop social skills, be open and honest about their needs and expectations, and strive to connect with others in authentic and genuine ways. Furthermore, it is important that society works to overcome stereotypes and prejudices, and fosters a culture of inclusion and real human connection.


What is the dumbest recent fashion trend?


Fashion is a diverse and ever-evolving industry, which can mean that what someone considers a silly fashion trend could be seen as creative expression by others. Ultimately, fashion trends are a matter of personal taste and individual preference, and what may seem silly or ridiculous to one person may be considered attractive or interesting to another.

Fashion is a complex phenomenon that can have both positive and negative aspects, and it is important to be aware of both in order to have a full understanding of the role of fashion in our society.


Cover designed in Canva.
Separators made in PowerPoint.


You have explained so well about why some people cannot make connection and the lack of social skill and experience is a factor indeed.

And it is true what you said about fashion trends. What's silly to me might be cool for you and we express ourselves differently.

Are you on CREW3 yet? If not, I'm inviting you to join us for the fun in March. LeoGrowth has something in the works and there will be $10k prize pool. It's open to everyone on Hive. For a quick guide, check this post. out and feel free to ask if you have questions. Thank you and see you there :)

Hi there! Thank you for sharing your opinion on my post. I'm glad that you found the explanation I provided about interpersonal connection and how lack of social skills and experience can be limiting factors to be helpful.

It's also true that our preferences and ways of expression can vary widely between individuals, and what may seem silly to one person can be great to another. That's why it's important to remember that there isn't one correct way to express ourselves, and that the diversity in our tastes and communication styles is what makes us unique and interesting as human beings.

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post and share your thoughts. Have a great day!

That's why it's important to remember that there isn't one correct way to express ourselves, and that the diversity in our tastes and communication styles is what makes us unique and interesting as human beings.

This is very true and thank you for reminding us of our uniqueness on how we express ourselves :)

Always a pleasure and I wish you a wonderful day :)

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Stereotypes and Unrealistic expectations are unique reasons you gave, didn't think of them as reasons to cause loneliness... I'm glad you brought them in, we keep learning.

Thanks for participating, all the best!

All of the reasons you mentioned are definitely a great contributor to your loneliness, but what I believe is in the end it all boils down to you on how you perceive every situation and every person in your life.