Ladies of Hive Community Contest #119--- En memoria a mi padre/// In memory of my father

in Ladies of Hivelast year (edited)

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Saludos queridas damas de la colmena, para mí es un placer compartir con ustedes nuevamente. Para mi entrada de esta semana he elegido hablar sobre ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que saliste de tu zona de confort y qué lograste?, después de analizar varias experiencias vividas, he descubierto lo que es salir de una zona de confort.
Greetings dear ladies of the hive, it is my pleasure to share with you again. For my entry this week I have chosen to talk about when was the last time you left your comfort zone and what did you achieve? After analyzing various experiences, I have discovered what it is to leave a comfort zone.
Soy hija única por parte de mi madre, fui criada por Rutilio Ruiz quien me dio su apellido cuando yo tenía 3 años, toda esta verdad la descubrí a la edad de mis 17 años, no tuve ninguna mala reacción al contrario me siento agradecida del padre que tuve y quien me dio educación y un hogar, también buenos valores y quien me formo como una excelente mujer, creo que teniendo otro padre no me sentiría tan orgullosa del que Dios eligió para mí.
I am an only child on my mother's side, I was raised by Rutilio Ruiz who gave me his last name when I was 3 years old, I discovered all this truth at the age of 17, I had no No bad reaction, on the contrary, I feel grateful to the father I had and who gave me an education and a home, also good values and who formed me as an excellent woman. I think that having another father I would not feel so proud of the one God chose for me.

Luego de 25 años de matrimonio mis padres se separaron, pero mi padre jamás me abandono, ni a mí ni a ninguno de sus hijos que tuvo con su primera esposa. 3 años después sufre un ACV (accidente cardiovascular)
After 25 years of marriage my parents separated, but my father never abandoned me, nor any of his children he had with his first wife. 3 years later he suffers a stroke (cardiovascular accident)

Mi madre lo acompaño a pesar de la separación por un año en su proceso de recuperación y terapias, no volvió a trabajar y es allí cuando comienza depender de nosotros, sus hijos; no cuento esta parte para llevarme méritos, pero, durante ese proceso sus hijos biológicos lo abandonaron, mi papá fue a vivir con sus padres y al cuidado de sus hermanas, por mi parte aportaba a la medida de lo posible con sus gastos.
My mother accompanied him despite the separation for a year in his recovery process and therapies, he did not return to work and that is when he began to depend on us, his children; I don't count this part to take credit for it, but during this process his biological children abandoned him, my father went to live with his parents and in the care of his sisters, for my part I contributed to the extent possible with their expenses.

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Con el tiempo conozco a mi actual pareja y nos mudamos juntos con mi hija mayor, salgo embarazada de mi segunda niña, cuando ella tiene un año mi padre sufre otro golpe y le diagnostican hidrocefalia, mi abuela por ser muy mayor, me pide que lleve a mi padre a vivir conmigo, enseguida acepte, por dentro estaba llena de pánico, pero ¿cómo decir que no?, tenía 5 años sin verlo y no sabía a exactitud como era su condición física.
Over time I meet my current partner and we move in together with my eldest daughter, I get pregnant with my second daughter, when she is one year old my father suffers another stroke and is diagnosed with hydrocephalus, my grandmother because she is very old, she asks me to take my father to live with me, I immediately accepted, inside I was full of panic, but how can I say no? I had not seen him for 5 years and I did not know exactly what his physical condition was like.

Hicimos espacio en nuestra pequeña casa, pasé de dormir en una cama a un colchón en el piso para brindar comodidad a mi padre, cuando lo recibí me di cuenta que no estaba bien, no controlaba su pipi, tenía que usar pañales, debía ayudarlo a bañar, fue un choque muy fuerte para mí, con una niña de un año y un trabajo que no podía descuidar, pues era la única entrada económica en mi casa. Me paraba muy temprano a lavar sabanas mojadas, limpiar la casa antes de irme a mi trabajo y de que mis hijas se levantaran. Llore muchas noches por cansancio, por problemas económicos.
We made space in our small house, I went from sleeping in a bed to a mattress on the floor to provide comfort for my father, when I received it I realized that it was not well, I did not control his pee, I had to wear diapers, I had to help him bathe, it was a very strong shock for me, with a one-year-old girl and a job that I could not neglect, since it was the only economic income in my house. I would get up very early to wash wet sheets, clean the house before going to work and before my daughters got up. I cried many nights because of fatigue, because of financial problems.

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Pero, solo decía gracias Dios, mi padre está conmigo y espero entender tu propósito. Traté de regalarle bonitos días y que no sintiera mis preocupaciones. El año pasado mi padre decayó, estuve varios días en un hospital, decidí sacarlo y llevarlo a casa, murió en mis brazos, con lágrimas en sus ojos, pero durante esos últimos segundos, solo le decía GRACIAS, GRACIAS.
But, I was just saying thank you God, my father is with me and I hope to understand your purpose. I tried to give him beautiful days and not feel my worries. Last year my father collapsed, I was in a hospital for several days, I decided to take him out and take him home, he died in my arms, with tears in his eyes, but during those last seconds, I just said THANK YOU, THANK YOU.


Luego de un año sigo haciendo extensas mis gracias a Dios, por permitirme estar con él, por retribuir poco de todo lo que me dio, por no importarle que no era su hija biológica. Hay una canción hermosa con la que le recuerdo siempre, “La niña de tus ojos”, interprete Daniel Calveti.
After a year I continue to extend my thanks to God, for allowing me to be with him, for repaying little of everything he gave me, for not caring that I was not his biological daughter. There is a beautiful song with which I always remember him, "The girl with your eyes", interpreted by Daniel Calveti.

Salí de mi zona de confort, de un hogar que estaba estable y tranquilo, a días fuertes y nublados, pero estaba allí con su compañía, mis hijas estuvieron con su abuelo y sé que siempre lo recordaran
I left my comfort zone, from a home that was stable and calm, to strong and cloudy days, but I was there with his company, my daughters were with their grandfather and I know they always did. they will remember



En memoria de Rutilio Ruiz - 1954-2022

In memory of Rutilio Ruiz - 1954-2022


I commend you for giving so much of yourself to your father's needs, circumstances that could have been so much worse if it were not for your caring for his welfare. You are a fine example of compassion for your daughters.

Cualquier persona no es capaz de salir de su zona de confort por cuidar a un familiar enfermo, incluso prefieren dar dinero pero no asumir el cuidado, no los juzgo porque es algo para valientes y tu lo eres, aun cuando no era biológico era tu padre de crianza y eso es lo que cuenta. Abrazos 🤗


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Wow what a great vlog n his memory and what a great dad. You have, i know he is watching over you from heaven , you ave my 100% vote and i think you will be a winner, the decision is Saturday ,.
Thank you for the insight, and your honesty and YOUR entry this week to the contest i am judging this week, I hope you had fun with the questions, i know i have had that reading it. See you in the comments or in the community 1
Good luck and see you again in the community

Honored by your comments, thank you very much for the space you give us within the community. It is little for what my father deserves