Concurso de la comunidad Ladies of Hive # 17

Hola a toda la comunidad de #hive en esta comunidad de mujeres luchadoras, quiero participar en el concurso #17 que tienes dos preguntas que nos hacen pensar y darnos a conocer un poco más contando nuestras experiencias de vida.

Decidí responder las 2da porque tengo muchas respuestas con respecto a ella y puedo explicarla mejor.

2️⃣ Hay tantas cosas en el mundo que son crueles o injustas. ¿Qué te rompe el corazón y cómo intentarías cambiar el mal si pudieras hacer algo al respecto?
Bueno me rompe el corazón ver a muchas personas muriendo de cáncer, he pedido a seres queridos por causa de esta enfermedad y es algo que me llena de mucha impotencia y tristeza.

Algunos no tienen nisiquiera para costear el tratamiento que es con quimioterapias, hace días fui al hospital y vi una larga cola de personas enfermas haciendo una cola kilométricas para poder obtener un cupo para su sesiones de quimioterapias.

Es algo que sin duda me rompe el corazón ver a tantas personas sufriendo por está enfermedad y que no puedan pagar su tratamiento.

La manera que yo puedo ayudar es colaborando con alguna de ellas aunque sea poco, hace poco organizamos los vecinos de mi comunidad una vendimia osea recolectar le a una señora que está pasando por está situación, así que si podemos ayudar hagámoslo de alguna u otra manera estaremos salvando una vida.

Si estuviera a mi alcance construiría una clínica para que las personas acudan a recibir su tratamiento de manera gratuita y el que quiera hacer una colaboración se les permita.

Tratar de hacer campañas para que las personas cuiden su salud y acudan al médico a chequear su salud así estén sanas.

Por lo menos en mi casa me daban muchos dolores de cabeza y pensaba que era migraña, pero al realizarme estudios más avanzado me detectaron un tumor en la glándula hipófisis que es la que controla la mayoría de las hormonas en el organismo y por ello he tenido cambios constantes en cada una de ellas, afortunadamente es benigno.

Pero pienso en esto cada día y me deprime que sigan sucediendo estás situaciones sobretodo en mi país que la salud es relativamente gratuita pero hay que cubrir los costos del tratamiento y exámenes pero muchas personas no tienen para esto y su salud se va deteriorando más.

Bueno amigos espero les haya gustado mi post que más para un concurso nos ayuda a tomar conciencia, saludos.Invito a participar a @fabianadiaz28

Hello to all the #hive community in this community of women fighters, I want to participate in the #17 contest that you have two questions that make us think and make us know ourselves a little more telling our life experiences.

I decided to answer the 2nd one because I have many answers regarding it and I can explain it better.

2️⃣ There are so many things in the world that are cruel or unfair. What breaks your heart and how would you try to change the evil if you could do something about it?
Well it breaks my heart to see so many people dying of cancer, I have asked for loved ones because of this disease and it is something that fills me with so much helplessness and sadness.

Some do not even have enough money to pay for the chemotherapy treatment, a few days ago I went to the hospital and I saw a long line of sick people lining up for miles to get a place for their chemotherapy sessions.

It breaks my heart to see so many people suffering from this disease and not being able to pay for their treatment.

The way I can help is by collaborating with some of them even if it is a little, a little while ago the neighbors of my community organized a grape harvest to collect money for a lady who is going through this situation, so if we can help let's do it in some way or another we will be saving a life.

If it were within my reach I would build a clinic so that people can go to receive their treatment for free and anyone who wants to collaborate is allowed to do so.

I would try to make campaigns so that people take care of their health and go to the doctor to check their health even if they are healthy.

At least at home I used to get a lot of headaches and I thought it was migraine, but when I underwent more advanced studies they detected a tumor in my pituitary gland which controls most of the hormones in the body and that is why I have had constant changes in each one of them, fortunately it is benign.

But I think about this every day and it depresses me that these situations continue to happen especially in my country that health is relatively free but you have to cover the costs of treatment and examinations but many people do not have for this and their health is deteriorating more.

Well friends I hope you liked my post that more for a contest helps us to become aware, greetings.Invitation to participar to @fabianadiaz28

Acto y Misa de Graduación 073.jpg


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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the February 1st Hive Power Up Day

I've had three surgeries and currently, I am in remission for cancer. I know how people suffer from pain and the difficulties associated with it. Luckily for me, I have health insurance. I wouldn't know how I would be without it.
I will pray for those people in line for chemotherapy! And thank goodness, yours is benign!

Tengo familia que ha perdido la batalla con esta enfernedad, entre ellos un primito de solo 14 años, y en este momento un tio muy querido esta en la lucha. ;(

It is sad that it costs so much to receive treatment and that so many die because they can't afford the treatment. Wouldn't it be fantastic if cancer was eradicated altogether? Thanks for sharing!

Es triste que sea tan costoso recibir tratamiento y que tantos mueran porque no pueden pagar el tratamiento. ¿No sería fantástico si el cáncer fuera erradicado por completo? ¡Gracias por compartir!

Medicine will always be expensive in any country but it just takes a community to come together to help in some way whether great or small.
In Canada, Pfyzer was paid up front to develop and supply the Covid19 vaccine. Most people here think the drug is free but the One billion dollar bill will still have to be paid. And that company is much wealthier overnight when the government chooses them.

Thank you for sharing @mariangelecs 🌹

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