Que tal amigos de la comunidad.
¿Por qué crees que la sociedad le da un valor tan alto a la belleza? cuando no sirve para ningún propósito funcional?
Porque la sociedad le da más importancia a lo superficial que a las cualidades o sentimientos de una persona, es cierto que la belleza causa placer, adoración, vende, enamora, impacta al primer contacto visual es un colirio para los ojos, sean personas, animales o cosas, lo que vemos o admiramos, la belleza es sinónimo de amor, de autoestima,, entonces es muy importante un rostro bonito en cualquier ámbito o circunstancia dé la Vida cotidiana.
De que sirve ser tan bello si en tu Interior eres tóxica, negativa y con cerebro vacío , nuestra belleza exterior es el reflejo de lo que llevas dentro.
How about friends of the community.
Why do you think society places such a high value on beauty? when it serves no functional purpose?
Because society gives more importance to the superficial than to the qualities or feelings of a person, it is true that beauty causes pleasure, adoration, sells, falls in love, impacts at the first visual contact, it is eye drops, whether people or animals or things, what we see or admire, beauty is synonymous with love, self-esteem, so a pretty face is very important in any area or circumstance of daily life.
What is the use of being so beautiful if inside you are toxic, negative and with an empty brain, our external beauty is the reflection of what you carry inside. Welcome to my blog and the 122nd edition of the Ladies of the Hive Weekly Community Contest, with questions by @justclickindiva .

Pero lamentablemente vivimos en una sociedad donde se apuesta mas a la belleza exterior que a la interior, y lo
vamos asumiendo desde pequeños como un rol muy importante para sentirnos seguros ante los demás.
Cada vez son mas las personas que recurren a operaciones estéticas, para hacer retoques a su cuerpo o para aumentar el volumen de otras partes, éso pasa porque no estan satisfechos con lo que ven en el espejo o con la aprobación de los demás.
La sociedad crea personas vanidosas y presumidas, que siempre viven tratando de mejorar su aspecto no sólo por salud sino para encajar con los prototipos que le exige .
En el caso de las mujeres la sociedad es muy exigente en cuanto a estándares de perfeccion, dónde para optar a una plaza de trabajo le exigen buena presencia o en su defecto buena imagen que no es otra cosa que estar bella de cara y cuerpo, los conocimientos pasan a un segundo plano.
En los certamenes de belleza la búsqueda es directa bello rostro y medidas perfectas igual sucede en la televisión, el cine donde los papeles principales son dados a personalidades muy bellas muchas veces sin mucha experiencia o trayectoria.
But unfortunately we live in a society where more bets on external beauty than internal beauty, and what
We are assuming from small as a very important role to feel safe before others.
More and more people are resorting to aesthetic operations, to make adjustments to their body or to increase the volume of other parts, this happens because they are not satisfied with what they see in the mirror or with the approval of others.
Society creates vain and conceited people, who always live trying to improve their appearance, not only for health, but to fit in with the prototypes that it demands.
In the case of women, society is very demanding in terms of standards of perfection, where to apply for a job they require a good appearance or, failing that, a good image that is nothing more than to be beautiful in face and body, the Knowledge fades into the background.
In beauty pageants, the search is direct for a beautiful face and perfect measurements, the same happens on television, in the cinema, where the main roles are given to very beautiful personalities, often without much experience or trajectory.

Así que la belleza tiene un gran peso en la sociedad y más ahora con la llegada de las redes sociales, que imponen modelos de belleza, dónde los más afectados son los jóvenes menos agraciados que corren el riesgo de convertirse en víctimas de bullying o en marginados.
También los hombres apuestan a la belleza exterior y se preocupan y ocupan en invertir mucho tiempo y dinero a sus cuidados físicos, como gimnasios o cirugías.
Hay personas que son muy lindas e inseguras que no terminan de creer lo bellas que son y no tienen la valentía ni el coraje de demostrar al mundo que tienen mucho que ofrecer.
So beauty has a great weight in society and more now with the advent of social networks, which impose beauty models, where the most affected are less attractive young people who run the risk of becoming victims of bullying or marginalized .
Men also bet on external beauty and worry and spend a lot of time and money investing in their physical care, such as gyms or surgeries.
There are people who are very beautiful and insecure who do not quite believe how beautiful they are and do not have the courage or courage to show the world that they have a lot to offer

¡Gracias por leerme y valorar la publicación!
Las fotografías mostradas son de mí propiedad ,.
Thanks for reading and appreciating the publication!
The photographs shown are my property,.
Así es, ahorita todo tiene que ser belleza, aunque han intentado vender cuerpos distintos, siempre intentan que se vean bien.
Saludos @soyanafuentes ,mil gracias por visitar mí post y valorar 🤗
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Hello @mariperez316. It is true that much money and resources are spent chasing the society's concept of beauty. Can you imagine if that money was spent on wellness instead. What a healthy, happier, and more mentally stable world this would be.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic.
Take care.
Greetings @justclickindiva , thanks to such excellent proposals, I hug you tight 🤗
And that is why I do not subscribe to cable television or magazines anymore.
And have been learning that God cherishes the beauty of a person's character.
Of course we must take care of ourselves and be grateful to God and our nature, we must cultivate ourselves from within, to externalize our best beauty, hugs @kerrislravenhill 🤗🤗🤗
That is very true, however, we don't have to do that. I'd say real people follow their own rules, have their own values and stay away from fake ones. So it's possible to filter fake people out and only keep the good ones.
@erikah I love your comment, full of truth, thanks for visiting my post 🤗
The media keeps tricking us all the time with their flashy promos on beauty. They promote skin whitening products which kind of says that being dark skin is not ok and you need to be fair to look good. And sadly majority of people buy into these silly commercials.
kind regards @nainaztengra Well, if we are trying to improve our appearance, we run the risk of falling into misleading advertising, losing money and time.