[ESP-ENG] Ladies of Hive Community Contest #21

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Hola queridos amigos de hive, a solo horas de celebrarse el día de la mujer, quiero unirme al genial concurso de la comunidad de mujeres empoderadas de hive, @LadiesofHive. Mi respeto y admiración a todas las mujeres del mundo, definitivamente somos únicas y valiosas.

Hello dear hive friends, with just hours to celebrate women's day, I want to join the cool hive empowered women's community contest @LadiesofHive. My respect and admiration to all women in the world, we are definitely unique and valuable.

How did you come to find and join the Hive blogging platform_ And how did it benefit you_.png

La pregunta con la que participo: ¿Cómo llegó a encontrar y unirse a la plataforma de blogs Hive? ¿Y en qué te benefició?.

The question with which I participate:How did you come to find and join the Hive blogging platform? And how did it benefit you?

Me uní a Hive blog, por sugerencia de un amigo de mi esposo, recuerdo que lo llamo una tarde y le hablo de plataforma, que era genial y tenia mucha aceptación por parte de lo usuarios, creo que encontré a hive en el momento justo, quiero decir que teníamos apenas 2 meses de haber comenzado con la cuarentena radical en Venezuela, y yo estaba muy paranoica, no sabia que mas limpiar en casa, no permitía que nadie visitara, además veía muchas noticias una peor que la otra, entonces cuando hive llega, muchas cosas cambiaron, y pienso que los beneficios han sido muy grandes, mi mente comenzó a estar ocupada en cosas mas positivas, empecé a escribir a buscar temas para crear contenido, a pasearme por la plataforma, y todos sabemos que requiere de tiempo, así que ya no perdía tiempo viendo noticias alarmantes, mas bien me encontraba interactuando con personas de todo el mundo, y generando conocimientos que han sido de gran ayuda, he aprendido muchas cosas en hive, cada día es algo distinto.

I joined the Hive blog, at the suggestion of a friend of my husband, I remember calling him one afternoon and talking to him about the platform, which was great and had a lot of acceptance from users, I think I found hive at the right time, I mean that we had barely 2 months of having started with the radical quarantine in Venezuela, and I was very paranoid, I did not know what else to clean at home, I did not allow anyone to visit, I also saw a lot of news, one worse than the other, then when I hive It arrives, many things have changed, and I think that the benefits have been very great, my mind began to be occupied with more positive things, I began to write to look for topics to create content, to walk around the platform, and we all know that it takes time , so I no longer wasted time watching alarming news, rather I was interacting with people from all over the world, and generating knowledge that has been of great help, I have learned many things in hive, every day is something different.

No me sorprende la cantidad de venezolanos que ahora están en la plataforma, es que creo que para la mayoría, Hive se ha vuelto un escape de esta terrible realidad en la que estamos ahora, como siempre digo es como una esperanza de que las cosas van a cambiar para bien y que todo volverá a ser como antes, pero mientras eso llega, pues nos queda este escape perfecto, donde podemos trasmitir nuestros pensamientos, puntos de vistas, recuerdos, hacer nuevos amigos, y además de todo eso, nuestra dedicación y constancia son bien recompensadas, todo esto junto se convierte en una ganancia enorme de conocimientos y cosas positivas en tu vida.

I am not surprised by the number of Venezuelans who are now on the platform, it is that I think that for most, Hive has become an escape from this terrible reality in which we are now, as I always say it is like a hope that things are going to change for the better and that everything will be as before, but while that comes, we have this perfect escape, where we can transmit our thoughts, points of view, memories, make new friends, and besides all that, our dedication and Constancy are well rewarded, all this together becomes a huge gain of knowledge and positive things in your life.

Les deseo a todos, en especial a las bellas mujeres de esta comunidad, una linda noche y que tengan una semana llena de éxitos.

I wish everyone, especially the beautiful women of this community, a nice evening and have a successful week.

Quiero invitar a la amiga @maryed a que se una a este genial concurso.

I want to invite friend @maryed to join this great contest.



Hive is great, ain't it!

Of course. Greetings.

There is no platform like Hive, it is so revolutionary.
It's not perfect but it is better than those big popular social media sites that censor too much thought and abuse your personal data. I stay on Instagram in hopes of sharing the benefits of HIVE platform with my friends there.
I live in Canada, and I see our economy adopt similar economic and political policies similar to Venezuela , so we gals that live here can learn much from the experience of our Venezuelan sisters.
Gracias, and keep Sharing @marivic10

This is my friend @kerrislravenhill the other networks mostly serve to know the lives of others without making any positive contribution. I support you, #hive is the best haha.. thanks for the support and for commenting. A hug

Un saludo amiga de verdad Hive leho en el momento más deseado en medio de pandemia, a mi me paso casi igual saludos.

Hola amiga @yolimarag, pues si, en un momento en el que no encuentras salida a tantas malas noticias, aparece Hive, de verdad me ha ayudado mucho. Un abrazo.