Weird food combinations I really enjoyed. LOH #87

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Greetings to every lady of Hive and Happy Sunday to us all. It a pleasure to participate in this new contest. Thanks to @saffisara for this week interesting questions.

What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?

What I usually experience in my first time trying a new food,the taste will be unpleasant but trying same food again,I get to enjoy it unlike the first attempt. That's what happens to me when tasting some kinda food for the first time.

So one of the weird food combinations I have tasted is Okra and white rice.

So I have been hearing people say Okro and rice is a good food. Most of the people are my friends,when they speak to me about the food,I will tell them I don't think I will like the food.


One fateful week, I went to three days crusade which we needed to camp. The man that called us for the crusade provided us free accommodation and food for the three days. The first day passed, the second day, I was so famished,waiting patiently for him to call us for Lunch as usual. When he finally did my tummy was crumbling, expecting to eat a delicious lunch only to see Okro and Rice. 😂

At first, I was so sad, I couldn't reject, I decided to make an attempt to try it. I carried first spoon mixed it with the rice, tasted it and WOW, it was delicious. I didn't know how many minutes I used to devour all my own portion😂😂.

This combination is weird but my favourite🤣🤣. I enjoy it a lot. I can't eat Noddles without bread. Eating Noodle alone will be like am wasting my noodles. So I make sure I eat it with Bread every time.

Photo edited with Canva free basic
Once I buy any brand of Noodles, all I do is to boil hot water, put in the Noddles, add the seasonings, allow it to cook for 5mins. Put it in my plate, bring out 5 slices of bread and start devouring.

I can't forget this combination for anything. It is weird but enjoyable. After preparing my beans,I prepare my cereal pudding with hot water. When I scoop my beans,I scoop my akamu
Photo by me

For the Noddles and bread, I do this mostly when I am very very hungry. I feel it is the fastest and the easiest food I can cook and eat within five (5) minutes. Also it is very tasty and mouth watering.

Also, in Nigeria; Okro is very cheap, you can plant it around your house if you have a garden, that's one reason I like the weird combination, when am not financially stable, all I do is walk around the house, pluck my Okro, dice it and make my stew with it, boil my rice and begin eating.

Why I love Beans and Cereal pudding is because it makes me full,heavy and I add weight. I don't eat beans alone without Cereal pudding.

Photo by Vie Studio from Pexels

Thanks for reading through my post


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Thanks a lot @Hivebuzz

Okra and rice?
That seems really weird. How did you enjoy it?🥲🥲

My beloved sister @nkechi. It really sounds weird but most Nigerian love it , that's including me. Lol

Wow!. Maybe It wouldn't be so bad when I finally taste it🤔

Yes, I suppose. Lol

I honestly can’t touch that combination 😂


😀😀😀 You might like the Noddles and bread if you try it.

Yes, I have tried that a few times.


In my country we are used to eating pasta with
with bread or arepas that is like a cornbread 😆

thanks for sharing

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Glad to hear it.

Indeed! Very interesting combinations! I have never been able to eat okra, and even with rice, I don't think I could. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely week!

It is actually weird but I enjoy taking it.

Beans with cereal pudding? really strange sensation that I wouldn't want to combine but it sounds incredible. We human beings are all for fun and love things in our own way, food usually has to be exquisite but we go beyond that and we dig in and get the combinations right. I congratulate you.

Greetings @marynn

Thanks my darling. It's actually lovely.

Naturally, I hate draw soup so, I can't imagine eating okra with rice
Its really weird

😀 At first, I said exactly what you just said.

Really 😁

Todos tenemos combinaciones extrañas que al probarlas puede cambiar nuestra manera de pensar y terminamos amándolo, a mi me ha pasado mucha veces, me agrado leerte, te deseo éxito y suerte en el concurso. Bendiciones 🙏🏼🤗💐☮♥🍚

We all have strange combinations that when trying them can change our way of thinking and we end up loving it, it has happened to me many times, I liked reading you, I wish you success and luck in the contest. Blessings 🙏🏼🤗💐☮♥🍚

That's exactly what happened in my own case, I was doubtful at first but tasting it changed my doubt.Thanks so much darling @cochanet for reading through my post.

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Thanks so much. I appreciate a lot.

This was such a interesting food combination and it all looks really delicious 😋 never thought of combinding them, but I really like to try some of it... Lol

That pasta in bread was my biggest surprise here 😁 need to try it.

Thank you for sharing and Good luck 🤗