Join us in the Ecency Discord and a Sunset photo reminder!

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)

First, a note to everyone who would like to come join us over in the Ecency Discord!

And also a reminder to enter your sunset photos in the #MULTITOPICS contest!

ECENCY Discord is a great place to ask questions about Hive and about Ecency, or just to hang out chatting with other D-ecent members! Everyone is welcome!

You are welcome to write in your first language and use. ?en before your words and they will be auto translated to English. Come give it a try!

Image by @charsdesign


The new topic for week 2 in the #Multitopics Community created by @juancho10 is SUNSETS

Be sure and join in with a sunset photo!
You can see the rules HERE


My sunset photos are from my archives and were taken years ago in the Mojave Desert in California.

10% of the post rewards go to the #Multitopics contest


All comments written on my posts, and any posts in Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, Ladies of Hive and FeelGood Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.




Join the Shadow Hunters Community

Image by @shasta

Partnered with ARCHON
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Supported by @pixresteemer

Sponsored by Ecency


Banner and feathers
by @barbara-orenya



Join the FEATHER FRIENDS Community

Enter the Show Me A Photo contest by @nelinoeva

Enter the Let our Picture Tell Your Story contest by

Partnered with ARCHON
Comment and earn tokens!

Supported by Ecency




You are welcome to write in your first language and use. ?En before your words and they will be auto translated to English. Come give it a try!

I tried it a few minutes ago. It does not work with Hungarian yet.

Edit: It works. Even with Hungarian. We just have to write "?en" instead of "?En".


Joined ecency discord recently which helped me out a lot and already enjoying the community there. Thanks for sharing...

I'm so glad you joined and that we could answer questions for you!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!

Thanks, Pix!

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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The Mojave Desert in California?
I haven't been... my goodness!
Haha, in my list to visit 😝😜🤣

I think it's a long way from where you are, but well worth a visit! Have you been to Joshua Tree?

Can I join?

The Ecency Discord? Of course!

Thanks.. I already joined an hour ago. :)

I welcomed you in general chat! Stop by and say hi!

If I identify as a lesbian can I be a part of the ladies of hive?

Asking for myself and a friend...

Everyone can be part of Ladies of Hive! There are several men there who are great community supporters, but you can identify whatever way you are most comfortable with. DM me if you want an invite!

Sweet! I definitely shall do.

Really appreciate your community and how much you gals do for eachother.