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This piece : > The moral of the story is that it is not a good life to live if you do not treat those around you with respect. I want everyone to improve and to realize that by being kind to others, they can change for the better and find redemption. A significant portion of our happiness in life comes from having healthy interpersonal relationships. While money is necessary, happiness is not always a result of having money. Ambition and greed in and of themselves are not wrong. What matters is how we pursue them.
Living only for the sake of utility is a miserable existence.
It's impossible to win everyone over. There will always be someone who disagrees with you, and if you don't have enemies, you're not really living. Being an individual with your own ideas and viewpoints is preferable to trying to win over others. Enjoy your day today, Hivers, and always be kind to others. Forgive those who have wronged you and maintain your faith in God.

That is what our world needs people who live by these rules and love one another
Thank you you did well and i am grateful for your entry
