
Yes flowers are so incredible aren't they when you consider just how many thousands of species there are and how many wonderful colours, shapes, patterns, sizes and style they come in too.

I have always been told by bosses over the years that I can only wear natural coloured makeup at work and I say but blue is a natural colour- it's the colour of the sky- or green is the colour of grass or pink is a flower, or red is blood- geez, how much more natural can I They don't like that....but who cares!

And in fact it still amazes me that so many people wear black and gray and then they say wow, I love your colour and I say well why aren't you wearing colour and they say Oh because I don't look any good in it and I'm like- you're kidding right, you think that you look better wearing gray and looking like death?

In fact the 'colour' gray (it's not a colour, it is a dull, lifeless void..) has actually been scientifically proven to cause depression.

And when you think about how all office buildings are gray, roads and streets are gray, footpaths are gray, many hospitals and all prisons are gray, winter is gray...that's because gray subliminally oppresses the senses, dulls the mind and then people become depressed without even realising why or having any reason to, other than everything being gray...That's my theory anyway....

Big, fat hugs to you too hun! ❤️

You tale care and stay well!