Mother or Haven (contest 185)

in Ladies of Hive17 days ago (edited)

One word Mother and full of emotions, love, care, motivation, and happiness. Whenever I saw my mother, I only said Alhamdulillah. Thanks to god he gifted me with a beautiful mother. Mother is a feel.

To be a mother is not so easy. You have to sacrifice your beauty, rest, health, and whatever you like. So I appreciate all the mothers for their encouragement. Many poets have described the Mother's respect and love in their words.
In Islam, there is a Hadith:

To look at your mother in a lovely way, is equal to accepted hajj.

اپنی ماں کو پیار سے دیکھنا، ایک مقبول حج کے برابر یے۔

Also, I want to add a beautiful quote.

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.

Some people say that Every day is Mother's Day. They are right, but I want to add something.

Every day is Mother's Day.

We cannot pay off to our mothers, according to their sacrifices. But we can tribute them on a special day. On which we give them present 🎁. Wish them kindness and love. This special day makes them more special.

What's your opinion about this guy

When I wake up daily in the morning, first I look at my mother. Kiss her on the forehead. Then I start my day. It is a very healthy routine.

Let me tell you what recently happened. It was Sunday. And I was going to my uncle's home. My mom was stopping me to go. She was not feeling comfortable. And it is my faith that mothers always feel pity. But I went away. And I had an accident on the Grand Trunk Road.

I injured a lot. And I don't tell my mom, that I am injured. My mum was calling me again and again.
I received the call, she was saying,

Are you okay Moaz? I am very worried about you. I am not feeling good about you. Please take care of yourself and come back soon.

After hearing my mother's voice, I lost my control and patience. I start to cry. Without knowing anything, my mother also started to cry.

Why are you crying Moaz? Please tell me. My heart is beating hard.
When I told her that I had had an accident. I can't explain her pain and experience in my words.
Only a mother can feel the pain of his child. No one can judge.

So until I am not cured property, she is caring for me like I am a 2-year baby.

I designated this song to my mum.

کالراتری ہے کلیانی
تیرا جوڑ دھرا پر کوئی نہیں
میری ماں کے برابر کوئی نہیں
میری ماں کے برابر کوئی نہیں

تیری ممتا سے جو گہرا ہو
ایسا تو ساگر کوئی نہیں
میری ماں کے برابر کوئی نہیں
میری ماں کے برابر کوئی نہیں

Hey killer of death, hey auspicious one, you have all the power but
There's no one like my mother
There's no one like my mother
No ocean in the world is deeper than a mother's love
There's no one like my mother
There's no one like my mother

This is a song by Jubin Naiutyal an Indian singer.

Mother's love is priceless. The woman who bears the pain, pain about the broken bones of a body, only to give birth to a child. How respectable could she be?
May God bless all the mothers with a healthy and long-lasting life.

I hope you will like my content. Will come back soon. Stay safe. Stau is alive. Allah Hafiz.

*Mothers are Haven.
Mothers are a cold breeze in the summer season.
Mothers are motivation in the era of fake people.
Mothers are hope n a hopeless world.

I write these lines on my own


Indeed, mother's love is priceless. Mother hears the crying of her child even when the child doesn't open his mouth. It is amazing the kind of protection and love showered on a child by his mother. Mothers are priceless jewels.

Mothers and their love is 💕 previous.

No mother would want to see her child in pain and they are always there to take care of you. To me, everyday would be mother's day because they deserve it. No amount of love we give to them can surpass the sacrifice and efforts they have had on us. I wish you quick recovery too.

Exactly mother's is such a beautiful gift. Thanks for pray and staying by here.

You are welcome.

Hello @moaz-sabir what a beautiful message and it is very true "only a mother can feel the pain of her child", the heart of a mother is not wrong, therefore her love is unconditional, beautiful lyrics, I wish you recover soon, thanks for sharing, a hug.

Thank you and ameen

There is a connection or affection that comes naturally from a mother's love.

This love is so sensitive to the point it picks the signal of danger whenever it is around. WHat manner if love it is.

it is priceless, endless.

thank you for loving your mother so dearly.

Yes 💯 there is a big connection between mother and childre. Thanks for reading my post.

What a beautiful post this is, mothers are golden.

This is a great post! Mothers are unique, special and irreplaceable.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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