Ladies of Hive Community Contest #92

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago



Saludos y un abrazo fraternal a todas estas mujeres exitosas que hacen vida en esta bella comunidad @ladiesofhive, hoy tengo el placer de compartir con todas ustedes, el Sueño de mi Vida.

1- Si te dieran un boleto de avión de ida y vuelta a cualquier parte del mundo, ¿a dónde elegiría ir y específicamente por qué?

El sueño más anhelado de mi vida, sería viajar a ISRAEL, ese es una hermosa nación, dotada de tantas belleza, bendiciones, misterio, historia, me encantaría caminar por sus calles de piedras, comer sus ricas comidas, codearme con ese tipo de persona, saber muchísimo sobre su cultura, visitar los lugares donde camino Jesús junto a sus apóstoles, conocer y entrar a la cueva que yace como la tumba dónde colocaron el cuerpo del hijo de Dios, y que ya no se encuentra en ese lugar, por qué resucitó. Pasarme por sus museos, tomar muchísimas fotos, llegar al Gólgota dónde fué crucificado, a Belén dónde nació, Con solo hablar de esta se me eriza el cuerpo, este país me inspira, saber de su gente, costumbres, ella también encierra mucho misterio, sobre los acontecimientos que han ocurrido en ese país, no es igual verlo en Discovery, que vivirlo en carne propia, palpar, ver, observar.
Si me obsequiaran un boleto de avión no lo pensaría dos veces, me iría de inmediato.

Greetings and a fraternal embrace to all these successful women who make life in this beautiful community @ladiesofhive, today I have the pleasure of sharing with all of you, the Dream of my Life.

1- If you were given a round-trip plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you choose to go and specifically why?

The most desired dream of my life, would be to travel to ISRAEL, that is a beautiful nation, endowed with so much beauty, blessings, mystery, history, I would love to walk through its streets of stones, eat their rich food, rub shoulders with that kind of person, know a lot about their culture, visit the places where Jesus walked with his apostles, know and enter the cave that lies as the tomb where they placed the body of the son of God, and that is no longer in that place, because he was resurrected. To visit its museums, to take many pictures, to go to Golgotha where he was crucified, to Bethlehem where he was born, just talking about this makes my body bristle, this country inspires me, to know about its people, customs, it also holds much mystery, about the events that have occurred in that country, it is not the same to see it in Discovery, to live it in the flesh, to touch, to see, to observe.
If they gave me a plane ticket I would not think twice, I would go immediately.

Muchas gracias le doy a esta gran comunidad, donde tocaron la tecla de mi inspiración y mi gran sueño, espero que algún día se me haga realidad. Gracias y muchas bendiciones y éxitos. Utilice el traductor Deepl, y la imagen es de pexels, y carteles.

Thank you very much to this great community, where you touched the key of my inspiration and my great dream, I hope that someday it will come true. Thank you and many blessings and success. Use Deepl translator, and the image is from pexels, and posters.


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@nara61, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Gracias por su hermoso gesto y apoyo, muchos éxito

I understand how you feel; imagine walking where Jesus walked! It would be amazing! Thank you for sharing and I hope someday you get to go there. Have a lovely day!

Gracias amiga por leer mi post, muy agradecida. Éxito

Eres muy bienvenida!🤗💜

A fascinating and edifying ideal. A modern day pilgrimage to see the places that the Lord Jesus himself was born into this world. Where he grew up, places that he taught and performed miracles, where he had his last meal, his passion, sacrifice and glorious resurrection. ❤️