Ladies of Hive Community Contest #89 || How do you feel about traveling as a single woman? // [ENG//ESP]

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago
Authored by @Nayromero

Hello friends of Hive, Welcome to my blog.!

Hola amigos de Hive, Bienvenidos a mi blog.!

Beautiful and blessed day for everyone on the platform, especially for this great community and my friends from ladies of hive, intended not only for sharing within hive but also for empowerment, union and strength among women. This time sharing again in the weekly contest where I will answer the two questions.

Hermoso y bendecido día para todos dentro de la plataforma, en especial para esta gran comunidad y mis amigas de ladies of hive, destinada no solo al compartir dentro de hive sino también para el empoderamiento, Unión y fuerza entre las mujeres. En esta oportunidad compartiendo nuevamente en el concurso semanal donde responderé las dos preguntas.


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How do you feel about traveling as a single woman? What are the advantages and challenges? // ¿Cómo te sientes acerca de viajar como una mujer soltera? ¿Cuáles son las ventajas y los desafíos?

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Well, I see this question from two points of view, so I am going to develop both of them according to my perspective, regarding traveling alone, she considered that as women we are capable of coping with any challenge that comes our way, I love the idea of ​​traveling and know and I consider that there is nothing wrong or strange that we decide to do it alone, as women we have the same rights, the problem is not in traveling alone we do not have to be afraid, and if it is one of our dreams much more. In my case I have not left my country but I have traveled within it and known beautiful places in my beautiful country.

I have traveled alone to the state of Mérida, one of the most beautiful tourist places in Venezuela, I have visited its museum, the moors, the Mucojabi lagoon, the Chorro de Miles zoo, and many more. In addition, I also traveled to the Monagas state, specifically in Caripe, where I visited the Guácharo cave and I was able to see the la paila trail. I also traveled to Bolívar state where I visited the Cachamay National Park, La Llovizna Park and the Gurí dam. All the beautiful places.

Reason why I feel very happy, and from the other point of view on this question, I see it as the fact of traveling alone through the world or through life did not consider that to feel fulfilled we must be accompanied either by another person or a couple, women, whether we are single or not, are capable of accomplishing and overcoming any obstacles, and on a personal level, not all of us have the same aspirations, so either alone or accompanied, we can achieve all our goals.

Bueno está pregunta la veo desde dos puntos de vista así que los voy a desarrollar ambos de acuerdo a mi perspectiva, al respecto de viajar sola consideró que como mujeres somos capaces de sobrellevar cualquier desafío que se nos presente, me encanta la idea de viajar y conocer y considero que no tiene nada de malo o extraño que decidamos hacerlo solas, como mujeres tenemos los mismos derechos, el problema no esta en viajar solas no tenemos porque tener miedo alguno, y si es uno de nuestros sueños mucho mas. En mi caso no he salido de mi país pero he viajado dentro de él y conocido lugares hermosos de mi bello país.

He viajado sola al estado Mérida uno de los lugares turísticos más bellos de Venezuela, recorrí su museo, los páramos, la laguna mucojabi, el zoológico chorro de millas, y muchos más. Además también viaje al estado Monagas específicamente en Caripe donde visite la cueva del Guácharo y pude conocer el sendero la paila. Igualmente viaje al estado Bolívar donde conocí el parque nacional Cachamay, el parque la llovizna y la represa del Gurí. Todos los lugares hermosos.

Razón por la cual me siento muy contenta, y desde el otro punto de vista sobre esta pregunta, lo veo como el hecho de viajar sola por el mundo o por la vida no consideró que para sentirnos realizadas debemos estar acompañada ya sea por otra persona o una pareja, las mujeres estemos solteras o no somos capaces de realizar y vencer cualquier obstáculos y a nivel personal no todas tenemos las mismas aspiraciones así que ya sea sola o acompañadas podemos lograr todas nuestras metas.





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How would you describe the traits of a successful woman?

¿Cómo describirías los rasgos de una mujer exitosa?

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We are all successful women, each of us has her perspective on life and we have traits that make us unique and wonderful. For me, a successful woman is not one who only reaches goals or achievements, but one who is able to get up and resurface despite setbacks, who reinvents herself and who achieves her aspirations through her work and effort. There is no recipe or guidelines to follow, the strength is in each one and in wanting to be what really fills you and makes you happy.

Todas somos mujeres exitosas cada una tiene su perspectiva de vida y tenemos rasgos que nos hacen únicas y maravillosas. Para mi una mujer exitosa no es aquella que solo alcanza metas o logros, sino aquella que es capaz de levantarse y resurgir a pesar de los tropiezos, que se reinventa así misma y que consigue sus aspiraciones a través de su trabajo y esfuerzo. No se tiene una receta o pautas a seguir la fuerza esta en cada una y en querer ser lo que realmente te llena y hace feliz.


Well friends, I hope you will be encouraged to this great initiative once and I want to invite @litzismar and @nathyortiz to participate in this great contest.

Bueno amigos espero se animen a esta gran iniciativa una vez y quiero invitar a @litzismar y @nathyortiz participar en esta gran concurso.

Thank you once again dear friends for reading and visiting my blog. !!

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For me, a successful woman is not one who only reaches goals or achievements, but one who is able to get up and resurface despite setbacks, who reinvents herself and who achieves her aspirations through her work and effort. There is no recipe or guidelines to follow, the strength is in each one and in wanting to be what really fills you and makes you happy.

This is my favorite part :)
You are a very brave, wise and whole woman. And very beautiful.

Has ido a Mérida un hermoso lugar y sola, perfecto. No necesariamente necesitamos a un hombre para viajar, podemos viajar con otras amigas y eso es fabuloso.

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Muy buenas tu apreciación @nayromero sobre el hecho de viajar sola, me ha tocada y fuer del país y sin problemas, saludos.

We are all successful women, each of us has her perspective on life and we have traits that make us unique and wonderful.

I love it and yes every woman is beautiful and unique in her own way. Every woman is worth celebrating, and every day should be filled with love and admiration for all of them. And yes :" There is no recipe or guidelines to follow..." Finding what really fills us and makes us happy, and then doing what we love every day is the success.

Love your article and thanks for the entry !LADY

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