ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)
Good morning Hive ladies, maintaining a budget for our household is part of being responsible adults so today I answered the following question:
1.- Every January year I work on my household budget and my recent walk through a major shopping mall reminds me how our financial goals can be undermined by the temptation to spend. What are your strategies and tactics for staying on track?
I always stick to the budget I set per month not only in January but every month of the year because it is my way of optimizing my expenses and at the same time being able to save a little, because it is all about keeping the economy a little bit since in my country we have a mega inflation, I should mention that not every month is the same but in general lines it would be:
My first strategy is not to visit the mall, I only go when it is extremely necessary, because if I don't want to spend I have to avoid temptations.
If I go to the mall I go specifically to the supermarket with a very explicit list to buy food, personal hygiene products or cleaning products for the house.
I reserve a part of my budget for emergencies or medical consultations, to buy medicines for flus, colds and vitamins for the girls or for me depending on the case, if this fund is not consumed I simply save it for the following month.
I keep a reserve of money destined for recreation or some family outings at least a couple of times a month, because I am not going to go overboard on the limitations either.
- Among other things I also have some extra but necessary expenses such as my daughter's tuition, cell phone rentals, cable TV and streaming.
The best thing about this budget that I manage monthly is that I can gather a small part to be able to make my trips or treat myself with some clothes or shoes at the end of the year, which is when I usually renew some pieces in my closet.
These are my strategies that the truth is not a goal as such because we are adults and we must keep our finances balanced and organized with our main and most important needs in order not to lose our sanity and not to despair for not having the necessary money later.
Kisses and hugs to all of you, have a happy day.
Photographs taken with a Samsung Galaxy A22.
Content of my property.
Translation by Deepl
Buenos dÃas damas de Hive, mantener un presupuesto para nuestro hogar es parte de ser adultos responsables asà que hoy respondà a la siguiente pregunta:
1.- Cada año de enero trabajo en el presupuesto de mi hogar y mi reciente paseo por un importante centro comercial me recuerda cómo nuestras metas financieras pueden verse socavadas por la tentación de gastar. ¿Cuáles son sus estrategias y tácticas para mantener el rumbo?
Siempre cumplo el presupuesto que establezco por mes no sólo en enero sino todos los meses del año porque es mi manera de optimizar mis gastos y al mismo tiempo poder ahorrar un poco, porque todo es cuestión de mantener un poco la economÃa ya que en mi paÃs tenemos una mega inflación, debo mencionarles que no todos los meses son iguales pero en lÃneas generales serÃa:
Mi primera estrategia es no visitar el centro comercial solo voy cuando es extremadamente necesario, porque sino quiero gastar hay que evitar las tentaciones.
Si voy al centro comercial me dirijo especÃficamente al supermercado con una lista bastante explÃcita a comprar los alimentos, productos de higiene personal o de aseo para la casa.
Reservo una parte de mi presupuesto para emergencias o consultas médicas, para comprar medicamentos para gripes, resfriados y vitaminas para las niñas o para mi dependiendo del caso, si este fondo no es consumido sencillamente lo guardo para el mes siguiente.
Mantengo una reserva de dinero destinada a la recreación o algunas salidas a comer en familia por lo menos un par de veces al mes, porque tampoco me voy a exceder en cuanto a las limitaciones.
- Entre otros aspectos también tengo unos gastos extras pero necesarios como la colegiatura de mi hija, pago de rentas de telefonÃa celular, de televisión por cable y streaming.
Lo mejor de este presupuesto que manejo mensualmente es que puedo reunir una pequeña parte para poder realizar mis viajes o darme un gusto con alguna prenda de ropa o zapatos a final del año que es cuando acostumbro renovar algunas piezas en mi closet.
Estas son mis estrategias que la verdad no me parece un meta como tal porque somos adultos y debemos mantener nuestras finanzas equilibradas y organizadas con nuestras principales y más importantes necesidades para no perder la cordura y asà no desesperarse por no contar con el dinero necesario después.
Besos y abrazos para todas, que tengan un feliz dÃa.
FotografÃas tomadas con un Samsung Galaxy A22.
Contenido de mi propiedad.
Traducción por: Deepl
Discord: noalys#3785
Your Budget strategy gives you confidence in your finances doesn't it? Building a fund for emergencies or unexpected situations do not put you in a panic or stressful situation makes sense, and the effort worth it. And treat yourself every now and then too. Even I bought a nice pair of shoes after Christmas.

Thanks for sharing @noalys
It gives me enormous confidence and security for emergencies and I don't have to worry because I have the money to deal with unexpected illnesses. My whims can always be satisfied after saving all year long. I am happy to share with you my strategies to maintain my budget.
Sounds like a smart plan! Thank you for sharing and have a blessed and lovely day!🤗💜
This plan has worked for me and the best thing is that it gives me the peace of mind I need. Happy day to you too.
It's a good thing you already have your budget well planned out to avoid the despair of not having much later because of overspending
We must always control overspending so that we are not desperate and do not know what to do next.
That's true
Thanks for sharing, is good to have a smart budget plan and this look like one
I don't know if it's the smartest but it's what works for me and helps me maintain emergency funds.
You're saving while giving yourself a little reward..that's efficient for sure.. At least, you are enjoying what you earn..
Even if it is a small part, little by little the glass is filled and when I need it, I have a good savings fund for emergencies.
Ando tomando notas amiga, porque a veces no nos medimos y nos quedamos sin dinero por dejarnos llevar por la mirada 😀.
Para algunas mujeres es difÃcil pero en mi caso personal no me dejo tentar.
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