Loh contest #162 ~ I’d love to see the future

in Ladies of Hive6 months ago


Which do you prefer:To be able to see the future/ to be able to see the past.

Hey guys!!
I hope we are all having a good time. I’ll like to talk about our past and our future.
We all know what is meant by the past and what is means by the future.
But I’ll love to give my own terms and understanding.

The past:

The past gives or shows us about what we’ve been through and what we’ve seen before.

The past gives us the time before present and sometimes determines our future.

The past gives us the aid of how our future will be like.
The past also implies what no longer exists.

The past as it’s own impact to our lives.

The future :

The future implies what is going to happen and what we’ll be through.
The future implies the later time or what will likely to happen.
The future has its own impacts in our lives.
Our future really matters to our lives.

The past and the future :

This two things really matters to us.
Our whole lives depends on both the past and future.

Based on the explanation I gave earlier,I would say both the future and the past has its impact and it might be a bit difficult to choose from the two.

I wouldn’t say one is important than the other.
But I’m to choose,I would say our future really matters.

The past only gives us memory but the future will determine who we are.

We have different factors that can affect our future.

  1. The family background.
  2. Psychological factors

The family background :

This is one of the things that determine our future. Our future really rely on family background in terms of the kind of parents we have.

There are some parents that fights in the presence of there children. Imagine a child seeing her father beating his/her mum and couldn’t do anything about it.

Growing up to that might affect this child in which they wouldn’t want to get married due to what they’ve experienced when they were young or when they end up getting married,the fear and hatred they had when they were young will affect there marriage .

Psychological factor:

This is another factor that determines our future.
The psychological factors might include our abilities and interest in some things.

If we don’t find interest in things like schools and vocational activities,it will definitely affect the future.

Schooling has its own impact,also vocational skills has its own impact too.
You want a very bright future for yourself,then you have to focus on the two or one of it.

Vocational skills will be an added advantage if you find it difficult to get a white collar job .

So your future determines on your psychological factor.

If I have the advantage,I’ll love to see the future because it gives us the opportunity to prepare ahead.

And also to correct our mistakes earlier.
It also helps us determine what our lives will end up to .

I’ll also love to see the future because our lives depend on it.

Thanks for reading!!


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I would also like to see the future. That would be great.